Homey crash during night - red ring

Most probably the best is to generate system diag. ID and contact Athom

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I created a ticket at Athom on this subject, results box change.

Surprisingly this evening, backups were disabled at least on my account.

I suspected a fault in the backup…

Or the backups and memory utilisation during backup is causing it. In any way, Athom must take action if this is the case…

This just shows your subscription has expired. You’d renew them yourself.
Hint: when you purchase the 1 year subscription in the Athom webshop, you pay €10 for 12 months

Athom does not disable or switch off your backups when you have a valid subscription.

As comparison: I haven’t got a “buy subscription” offer:


@ Mobile app, what do you see when you hit your avatar at the frontpage > hit My Account > hit My supscriptions ?

Usually you’d see this with the subscription expiration date: