Yes I am. My homey is in the top and with a green thingy. I checked of course.
I also can get the list of installed apps. But it seems there is no connection between the install button and the actual homey.
That’s strange, any ideas @MaxvandeLaar?
It is. Should homey also show a blue led installing it?
I once managed it all, there are some HCS apps installed.
The blue ring should be the same when installing an app from anywhere.
I have managed to log on to the community app store using the code, but I am unable to install the Homey Community App Store to the Homey. I downloaded the Windows program, and running it pressing “Login via Athom” I only get the login code that I used for the app store, but nothing more happens to the Windows program. Of course then the app store only gives me a message that the app isn’t installed on Homey and nothing can be installed due to that… What next?
Are you installing it on a Homey Pro?
May I ask why you want to install it, just curious.
To install the Smartthings app, which has my electronic door lock, which can’t be added directly to Homey.
Windows Firewall… and or modem firewall perhaps
Thank you.
I am having a similar issue it seems.
I am using Homey Pro, I uninstalled google nest SDM as I wanted to try and reconfigure it and now I can’t reinstall it.
I have downloaded the App and it is on my homey
I then go to log in to the Homey Community store and it seems to take me no where

Uploading: Screen Shot 2022-03-21 at 8.43.37 pm.png…
It just finishes with the blank screen of the Homey Logo and I have not logged in.
If someone could help that would be great.
@Mitch_Hare I have experienced the same a while ago. For me using a different browser to get the code worked. You can use that code in the browser of your preference.
Thank you so much! Using another browser worked
I have a new Homie and I’m having problems installing the app - I’ve managed to log in, the installer can by-pass my firewall, but it hangs during the install and there is no blue light.
I’m sorry, but why do you expect a blue light?
Guess that is the animation for loading or installing applications?
More of a question @Julia_M , did you check the more… Apps if the app is installed on your Homey?
Please try the setup using Firefox browser
Thanks @Martijn_Hoogenbosch @Dijker
- I meant the blue installation ring (no sign of anything being installed)
- I’ve checked the apps - it’s not listed
- I use Firefox (unless a system forces me to use another browser).
- I’ve followed all the instructions that I can find and I still can’t install the app, any other suggestions?
Have you tried a different browser?
Could you try from another computer?
I presume your computer and Homey are on the same network subnet?
Can you ping Homey from the PC using Homey’s IP address?
Thanks @Adrian_Rockall
How does the browser affect installation when it is running off an exe file?
Everything is connected to a mesh system (Eero) so they are on the same network.
I’ve tried another computer (I happen to have two work computers at home) - one was connected to the network via IP4 the other by IP6
I can ping from my laptop (my Homey is connected by IPv6 not IPv4):
Pinging xxx with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from xxx: time=21ms
Reply from xxx: time=14ms
Reply from xxx: time=58ms
Reply from xxx: time=8ms
Ping statistics for xxx:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 8ms, Maximum = 58ms, Average = 25ms
Hi @Julia_M, sorry to hear you are experiencing issues. I can’t say with absolute certainty what is going on as I don’t have access to logs but I have seen issues like these in the past. In all cases where the loading animation kept going and the app didn’t installed it was due to flaky athom/homey cli. In all of those cases the fix was to run in command line homey logout
(assuming you have the homey cli installed, if not visit Getting Started - Homey Apps SDK). For some reason the CLI tells the installer that it is authenticated, but it actually isn’t. So running homey logout
will force a re-authentication. Let me know if that worked