Homey Bridge - Serial Doesnt Existing


Has anyone else had this issue? No sure what to do as the device is currently useless, was looking at it as a replacement for my HC2. But am beginning to wonder if it was a waste of time and money.

Welcome to this community,
WOW! thats strange, that shouldn’t have happened,
this is something the community probably can’t fix and Athom should be aware of,
Please report this to Athom support,

They probably will replace the bridge

Have sent a support request, approximate turn around time is around a week.

Hi James
do you have an answer?
I’ve the same problem and sometimes I got the errormessage “rate limited”
Regards Daniel

pls create a support ticket!

I had the same issue and Athom provided a code to order a free replacement Bridge.

I wrote athom and I got fast also a coupon for a new bridge

Message from athom:
It seems that your Homey Bridge has an issue that can not be resolved. This issue should have been noticed earlier in the production process and your Homey Bridge should never have been sent to you. Unfortunately it did and I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Bridge has been replaced. Replacement was setup with no issue. Everything was smooth sailing this time around.

Now to test and see if it a good replacement for my HC2.