Home connect - Siemens oven

Anyone here who uses the home connect app with Siemens oven? I am trying to create a flow for preheating the oven, but it won’t work. In fact none of the programs work. I only get the error: BSH.common.setting.powerstate currently not available or writable.

Hi, I am also using the same combination and since the app updatet about a week ago, it is not working anymore… Before I had no problems with it…
Indeed I get the same error message.
Today I reconnected my oven to the app and this also did not help…
I am just as clueless as you…

Oh. It has been like this since I first got the oven 1 year ago. Hoping every update would fix it. But it never did… I can see the temperature, door alarm etc, but no flowcards seem to work. You had flows working?

Yes had everything working fine…
Just been busy with it and got it working again…
I removed my oven from the Bosch Siemens app and paired it again.
After pairing again, I also removed the oven from Homey and connected it again.
Now it is working again for me…

Just an example from a simple flow, that works fine now…


Hmm. I have tried repairing two times now. Still the same error… Will try to reinstall the app later…

No luck here :confused: Only action card that works is «stop active program». On all the others I get the error message above…

Have you enabled remote control on the oven itself?

Same issue for me, worked for a day, not anymore. Removed the oven and added it again but still the same issue “offline”


Mine also stopped working…
I can control it through the Siemens Home Connect app, but through Homey it is not responding…
Seems like something is wrong with the connection…

This is what I get after trying to connect.
The app worked fine for a few months, but now no connection at all.

I just tried to remove and add my oven again, but the device won’t remove and when trying to add login is impossible…
It keeps showing this screen…

Somebody knows how to issue this?

All devices are giving problems right now. Also dryers and washers. Seems like an issue with the servers of Home Connect. Let’s give it a day.

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Same here

Guess an Cloud Issue at their servers

My connection through the Home Connect app is still working :thinking:

Mine too, but I guess the external apps go via a different route / authentication. Anyway, it will be resolved probably since BSH is pretty actively working on the app together with Athom.

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Seems to be fixed.