Help with shelly plusi4 spring-back button using it as a flow


Did finally get the homey 2023 pro running on 10.0.8 , but i cant get the shelly plus i4 to work as it should .

Ive got it connected to a spring-back button , and using input 0 on the i4 with the button connected .
I want to control a fibaro wallplug to turn on a heater when i press the button , and the next time i press the button i want to turn it off .

Both devices are in homey and seems to be working to turn on/off from homey .
But i cant understand how the flow should look like to get it to work

Input 1 changed

or how should it look like ?

Just do a simple search for Shelly plus i4.

I want to have a short press to either turn on or turn off the devices ?

You might use this card: