Help to create 2 Flows to detect Humidity and Temperature of “Shelly H&T”

Hello everyone!

I start with two important premises:

  • this question was supposed to be developed and solved in “[APP][Pro&Cloud] Shelly” but @Phuturist – due to my poor knowledge of Homey Pro – advised me to ask for help elsewhere;
  • being a disabled I find it hard to “try” and so if you could get me one or more example screenshots I would be very grateful!

My need is to create two Flows for the “Shelly H&T”:

  • one that detects the Humidity
  • one that detects the temperature

The Shelly App for Homey Pro offers only 4 Cards (for H&T) which are:

  • Send command
  • Switch echo mode to
  • Firmware updates
  • Reboot devices

It is strange, incredible, that for the devices designed to detect Humidity and Temperature there are not 2 specific Cards such as:

  • Detects Temperature
  • Detects Humidity

These 2 Card would have made life easier for many Homey users, right?

I forgot: I have 4 “Shelly H&T” in 4 different rooms and therefore I will make the 2 Flows (8 in all) for all 4 Shelly devices that I use to manage the home automation of the heating (on/off).

I tried to create a Flow, but failed.

Do any of you use “Shelly H&T”? Can you help me?

The “Shelly H&T” is this:

Thank you very much everyone, see you soon!

I’m missing what you want to do with the temperature and humidity, as these values are automatically already pushed to the corresponding device that is included into Homey when it changes and thus don’t need to be discovered/detected at all.
What is more easier then already automatically being in the app/device, then having to do it manually for every device, can’t imagine doing that with the 100+ sensor capabilities I have in my current Homey.

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You don’t have the two cards “Temperature has changed” and “Humidity has changed”?

You are showing action cards, but you need to look at trigger cards. Actions do something, triggers react to something.

If that’s not what you want, can you explain what you mean with “Detect Temperature”?

Dear @Caseda & @robertklep,

Here are two examples of how I would use the values:

  • I would insert them in the keys of the “Home Automation” screen of my Elgato Stream Deck to have them easily (or more easily for me) at hand;
  • I would use them in some Advanced Flow to manage the switching on and off of the convectors (*).

(*) Perhaps for this use the values could be detected differently; If so, I don’t know how…

@robertklep, I hope I answered your question; If not, I’ll explain better.

Thanks to both, see you soon!

i’m not that familiar with streamdeck’s app function, but judging the descritiption you can either attach a capability of a device directly, or create a flow like:
[IF] temperature has changed [THEN] send value to stream deck

example 2 for turning on and off:

  • [IF] temperature has changed [AND] (logic cards) TAG is higher then … [THEN] turn on the convector
  • or [IF] temperature becomes higher then … [THEN] turn on the convector

I think you’ve missed the logic cards, which with those added to your flows it will be able to anything you want, which has several examples on this forum, but there is also a support page for it.

Hence no detecting of temperature is needed, just a different way of thinking.

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Dear Caseda,

I carefully watched the video and the text of the page you reported to me, I think it’s beyond my capabilities…

I’ll try to write you a text, let’s see if you can help me (or, better, let me understand…).

For the creation of a Flow you have (I write also to learn):

  • 1st position – When… (Quando…)
  • 2nd position – And… (E…)
  • 3rd position – Then… (Poi…)

Until now, the second position (And…) has never been used for the Flows that have already been created.

In the 1st position I would put a Card that allows me to declare a Trgger, like:


Nothing in 2nd position.

The problem arises in the 3rd position (Then…); i.e. the one that should detect the Humidity or Temperature value of the “Shelly H&T” that I want to examine

I think I understand your examples, I don’t know how to put them into practice now, but with some study I will succeed…

The problem remains that of capturing in 3rd position (Then) the values already detected by Homey Pro (see following image) but for which Shelly has not thought of 2 Card.

If I can’t do this simple thing, how can I imagine replicating the Shelly scene you see in the next image?

Thanks for the help, see you soon!

You are looking at the wrong spot (way over thinking it), you are trying to do:

  1. [IF] Press a button on the streamdeck → [THEN] check the temperature →
  2. [IF] temperature is checked → [THEN] send the temperature to the streamdeck.

it should be, as there should be no need for a button press:

  • [IF] Temperature has changed (flow card from your temperature sensor, not the streamdeck) → [THEN] send temperature to the streamdeck

Or even if you want/need a button press to show the sensor, then it should be:

  • [IF] button is pressed [THEN] send the value to the streamdeck, as the latest value is already known, and no need to check for a new value.

As mentioned before, I have little to no clue how streamdeck works, as this sounds more like you are missing step(s) in how to configure/use the streamdeck.
Do you know how to send any value to the streamdeck?

As now i’m feeling it is like trying to explain someone how to turn on a car’s audio system (without knowing which audio system) while they only try to turn the ignition key (and the audio system starts in standby/off).
or in another analogy, someone explaining how to turn on a PC but he’s only flipping on the toggle switch on the power supply. (and the bios setting off for “turn on pc when power resumes”)

Dear Caseda,

I fully understand that it is impossible to help me for two reasons:

  • I have very basic knowledge of Homey Pro;
  • and you don’t own, I think, a “Shelly H&T”.

I can only hope that:

  • the Shelly App is enriched with the two missing Cards;
  • or that those who own a “Shelly H&T” read this topic and make me (if they can) screenshots to copy how to get the result I’m after.

Dear Caseda, believe me, I sincerely thank you for your patience with me!

See you soon!

First of all, we can leave the Shelly app and Shelly H&T out of this, it has nothing to do with them. The change you ask for makes no sense, the information you want is already available and there is no need to explicitly request it from the sensor.
What is missing from your example is what you intend to do with the data (temperature or humidity in this case), i.e. what the [Then] card should do with the data.
An example Then-card, to output something as a notification on the timeline:
Click the paperclip symbol and you will get a long list of values, within it you should find the readings from your sensor. Select the one you want and next time you run the flow by pressing the button on the Streamdeck the value should appear on the timeline.

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This is not going to happen as it’s not missing. You are misinterpreting how this works.

Multiple people have given you the same advice but it seems you keep repeating the same question. Here is an example flow where the changed temperature is triggering the flow and is used to create a notifcation. For your use case you probably want to do something else with the temperature token so it ends up in your Stream Deck. Something like the logica action card for sending a HTTP rest command but that is very specific to your use case. But just to make this clear, this has nothing to do with the Shelly app!

And for the AND cards then you can use the logic cards if the temperature or humidity have to be lower or higher then X before the THEN card does A or B or what ever.
X= your own usable values.

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Shelly (or other apps) don’t miss "detect temperature/humidity cards, while the way to retrieve those values, lays in the values saved in the tags provided by the devices.

When I get your question right, this way you can retrieve any value provided by the device:

How to get the right tag, for example the temperature tag:
(“Temp Koelkast” represents the Shelly H&T)

Dear Henrik_Johnsson,

I think I succeeded but only thanks to you !!!


Now I just have to find the way to display the Flow value, can you give me a suggestion on how to do it? Just something to verify the values…

In Italy there is a saying: «The night brings advice!»
This morning, while looking for a solution, I noticed that the fantastic App for Homeiy Pro “Elgato StreamDeck Integration” – by the great Thomas Hebendanz – whit to the “Display Data [+Trigger]” function detects:

hi #1

So, today more than yesterday, I am convinced that the developer, or developers, of the Shelly App must add – at least – the 2 Cards for:

  • Detects Humidity
  • Detects the Temperature

It is a belief that no one will take away from me, a simplification for all Users !!!

With all my Heart, THANK YOU !!!

I think it has been explained at least 10 times now how to do this.

In Homey, all devices that can measure temperature automatically get a flow trigger “Temperature has changed” (same for humidity, pressure, etc).

Then, in the AND part of a flow, you can a Logic card to perform checks on the temperature (higher, lower, equal, etc) using the flow token that represents the temperature.

This is how it works in Homey.

I have no idea why you keep on requesting that the Shelly app needs “Detect Humidity/Temperature” cards, because those do the same as the built-in cards.

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Maybe a picyure says more …

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Dear @Phuturist,

Thanks for the example which I will look at very carefully.

As Steve Jobs said: the users don’t know what they want until you offer them the product!

Although I am disabled, I have built and managed three companies in the past; if I highlight a problem and why that problem exists.

Look at the image below:

hi #1

An independent developer – *the great Thomas Hebendanz – has simplified life for the users of his wonderful App; and you and your Shelly colleagues (I think you are a direct collaborator of Shelly) don’t feel like adding – at least – two Cards to get with a click what today is long is complicated to do?

Do you understand now, Dear Phuturist, why do I always repeat the same thing?!

The only sensible thing would be to read a message from you that says: «Give me 7 days and in the Shelly App update you will find the missing Cards for “Shelly H&T”!»

You don’t just do me a favor, but all Homey/Shelly Users!

Let’s hope so…

Dear Peter_Kawa,

tomorrow I will carefully examine what you wrote and sent to me, Thanks!

Your solution looks a bit like what @Henrik_Johnsson proposed to me.

I have many things to learn…

With all my Heart, THANK YOU !!!

My understanding of this is that you keep repeating the same thing because you choose to ignore the help that has now been offered by about 10 people now. You probably think I’m rude and you might be right but it’s annoying to get blamed for missing functionality while it’s actual the lack of understanding from the user.

What you want can already be achieved, just not in the way you think it works. This has been explained multiple times now. You’d better use your time trying to understand the help that has been given instead of pressing me to add unnecessary functionality.

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Dear @Phuturist,

I already apologized once for my somewhat “rough” ways, but I apologize to you again if I offended you in any way!

So excuse me, please!

But now try to understand me, also because I won’t deal with very technical topics…

Disabled you are born – like me – but you also become disabled in the course of life for the most varied reasons.
Today Home Automation is a fad, a luxury or entertainment for many, whereas 40 years ago it was a set of environmental controls that only the most severely disabled used.

Shelly has improved my life a lot because in the last 3 years I’ve managed almost everything with Shelly 1 V.3, Shelly 2.5 and Shelly H&T.

I understood that there are different ways to get what I want, this is clear to me!

However, not all users, even non-disabled ones, can spend their days studying the “mysteries of home automation”…
Your Shelly App offers many Card for the switches Wi-Fi I mentioned earlier, perhaps even redundant; but this way instead of writing two Flows you write just one, it’s simpler!

So why not add 2 Cards that the more experienced may not use, but which could be very useful for the less experienced or…?

Dear Phuturist, every letter (not word, letter) as well as every space of everything I’ve written since the beginning of this discussion has been a bending on the keyboard holding a marker between my teeth and typing with it; I have a pain in my neck that I would start crying!

If I spend so many words it’s not just for me, but for a World that could be easier to manage for those who are already disabled and for those who could become disabled…

In certain situations a “click” makes the difference !!!

I recently discovered Elgato’s Stream Decks, if you want – also thanks to a translator – read some of my articles:

But now the time has come to end this discussion, the water pounded in the mortar will always remain water…

I renew my apologies, but I hope you understand !!!

I think the main problem is, that no one, really no one understands what you want to achieve. There are probably language problems on top of that.

So if you push a button on StreamDeck and the temperature is detected, what should happen then?

Would you like to receive a notification with the temperature value on your phone/tablet?
Do you want the temperature value to be output by voice?
Do you want something to be switched on when the temperature is too high or too low?
Should the temperature value be transferred to another application?
What do you want to do with the detected temperature value?