Heatit Z-wave app (v2.7.1)

Version 2.6.1 has been released to the app store, adding support for the Z-TEMP2 thermostat device

In the next update, I will likely add a migration for the Z-TRM2fx, Z-Water and Z-Relay to a new driver / reporting structure, that should take away any issues with lacking capability updates.
Note, this will be quite some work to add and test this migration option; so please be patient.

If there are users that want to be involved in testing this version, please let me know.

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I always have the lacking updates on my ztr2fx so i can help with testing the new driver to see when finnaly get all the values :slight_smile:

Installed 4 more Z-TRM3s. I moved the Homey around to have it next to each thermostat as they were added. Just wanted to inform you that I had to do the “1.1” association group override trick (set the value to 1 and then back to 1.1) on all 4 of them to get them to start sending telemetry for all sensors. Just in case others have the same issue.


I have one Z-TRM3 in the hallway that is not connected to floor or external sensor, and set to A-mode. Until I renovate the room and get a floor sensor installed, the plan is to control the temperature in the floor by adjusting the setpoint temperature between 5 and 32 in intervals, where the length of the intervals depend on outside temperature, time of day, and if it’s raining (wet) or not.

While creating and testing the flows, I noticed that the Z-TRM3 didn’t always turn on heating when the setpoint was changed from 5 to 32 (the internal sensor used in A-mode was about 26, so 32 would trigger the heating to start). I therefore started some manual testing and this is the pattern I see:

  1. All Homey actions are performed manually from the Heatit Z-wave app, v2.6.1. I have rebooted Homey before starting and waited for everything to be ready. The z-wave network in developer.athom.com looks fine, and no TX errors seen during testing and Z-TRM3 not flagged as Unreachable. All Z-TRM3s are from what I can gather installed insecure (status has ‘x’ for secure property).

  2. I start with a setpoint of 5. Heating is off, as expected.

  3. I change setpoint via Homey to 32. Heating does not start, which is wrong. It takes between 10 and 30 seconds before the display in the thermostat changes to 32.

  4. I change setpoint via Homey to 5. It takes between 10 and 30 seconds before the display in the thermostat changes to 5.

  5. I change setpoint via Homey to 32. The same behavior as in #3 is seen. Repeating #3 and #4 many times doesn’t change the behaviour.

  6. While the setpoint is 32, I physically adjust the setpoint from the Z-TRM3 itself by pushing the up/down buttons. I adjust it down to 31.5, and the heating starts right away.

  7. I change the setpoint via Homey to 5. The heating stops right away, but it takes 10-30 seconds before the display in the thermostat changes to 5.

  8. I change the setpoint via Homey to 32. The heating starts right away, but it takes 10-30 seconds before the display in the thermostat changes to 32.

  9. I can repeat #6 and #7 exactly one more time, and the behaviour is the same and as expected.

  10. The third time I change setpoint from 5 to 32, the heating does not start. I’m back to the behaviour of #3 and #4 where heating doesn’t start.

I have gone through the steps above 5 times, and the pattern is the same each time:

  • Changing setpoint via Homey from 5 to 32 doesn’t start the heating.

  • Changing setpoint physically on thermostat starts heating.

  • After changing the setpoint physically on the thermostat and heating has started, the process of changing setpoint via Homey from 5 to 32 starts heating the next 2 times. After 2 times, the heating once again doesn’t start when changing the setpoint from 5 to 32.

  • Changing the setpoint via Homey from 32 to 5 turns off heating instantly, while the new setpoint value takes 10-30 seconds to show on the display.

  • The 2 times changing setpoint via Homey from 5 to 32 turns on heating, the heating turns on instantly, while the delay for the setpoint value to show on the display is still 10-30 seconds.

Any input on how to debug this further is highly appreciated.

@naitsirk thanks for the detailed feedback.
I do recognize that the device updates the display with some delay; after confirming the setpoint.
This has always been the case with the Heatit thermostats.

For the switch on behavior; could you repeat the steps, after a fresh restart of Homey (30 minutes to allow the device to initialize), and please use for each step (from Homey or on the thermostat) a unique setpoint value. With sufficient time in between to allow the thermostat to switch on.

After completing these steps; can you send me:

  1. The transcript of the steps used with the set points used
  2. A screenshot of the device settings; developer.athom.com > devices
  3. A diagnostics report from the app; Homey app > settings > apps > Heatit > send diagnostics report (with reference to your username)

Based on the latter, in combination with the first I can check the behavior (confirmations) of the device.
If all the set points as send by Homey are confirmed by the thermostat, it would point to internal Logic, for which the device settings are important


How do i associate my z trm 3 thermostat and z water relays. Is it in group 2? What value do i put there? Device is and relay nr and what more?


Hi, can u help me with linking hatit trm3 thermostats with heatit z-water relays? How do i do that?

@Nerohan_Selvendran you will need to check what the Node ID is of the Z-Water. Suppose it is 23.

Then you will need to add to association group 2 of the Z-TRM3: 23.1, 23,2 for respectively the first and second group and then press save.

So it is adding nodeID.x (separated by comma’s) to group 2 of the Z-TRM3, where x is 1-10 for the 10 different relays of the Z-Water…



It does not work. I’ve done this.


Could you help me with the issue?

you have the same ID for this device and the device you want to associate ( in gruppe2), here you need to insert the ID of other device, according the description of Ted.



The picture nr one is fron the zwater relays ans picture nr 2 is from the thermostat :slight_smile:

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Hi Ted

Thank you for this app, very great work. But do you have any timeline for when Z-smoke will be added to the app? Just got myself 6 of them and hopefully the PIR sensor is good enough for controlling my lights as well. :slight_smile:

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Hi! I am testing the z-temp2 with z-water before I set them into real life environment. When testing now, I can see that If I change the set point, the relays will open / close. So in my eyes the group settings work. But in my case the thermostats will not cooperate well with homey. If I change the set point in homey, nothing happens. I have waited for more than one hour, just to be sure. When I change the set point on the thermostat, the relays work as I said before. But nothing happens I homey, until I power off / on the thermostat in homey, then it updates.
This behaviour is consistent on all the 5 z-temp2 units I have. Any idea on what I am doing wrong here?

So, this issue seems to be solved after a reboot on the heatit app. Now the next thing. When using the group associations. I see that the relays state in homey is not the same as it actually is. How can I make the relay actually show if the relay is on or off?

Hi Ted, did you find a solution for that issue? Unfortunately my 4 Z-TRM3s behave the same way. After a change in homey setpoint is displayed but relay doesn‘t switch, only after manual change on the thermostat itself, like described above. Then it works for some time. Later it‘a the same.
Could it be an internal error of the thermostat?
In any case first of all thanks for your great work!
It’s also shown at Homey Developer Tools - the thermostat_state value is still false, even if setpoint temperature is higher than internal temperature.

@Naitsirk @TedTolboom
It seems to me “the not switching relay after changing setpoints from homey issue” is related to the internal sensor. If I connect an external or floor sensor and change to mode to AE or F it works like it should. So we always have to add one additional sensor even if using a radiator instead of a floor heating?

But that would be a firmware issue instead of an issue with the Homey app. Do users from other platforms experience the same issues?

The one Z-TRM3 I have that has no external sensors connected, using the internal room sensor, has for (my) practical use improved in behaviour. It’s in the hallway, normally turned off, but with the setpoint temperature high (30 C) to ensure heating starts when the unit is turned on. When I want it to heat the floor, I turn it on from a Homey flow and then off again 10-20 minutes later. I do this on the clock in the morning and afternoon, and also on the hour during the day whenever the outdoor rain sensor reports rain over the last hour. As winter and snow is coming I will have to improve the logic to also try to figure out when snow will be dragged into the hallway on shoes.

In most cases for this setup, the heating starts when the thermostat is turned on. It can be stable for several weeks, but sometimes it fails, and I have to manually adjust the temperature on the thermostat to make it work again. To me it sounds like a firmware/API problem with the Z-TRM3 itself. I might try to attach the floor sensor to see if it changes anything (and use it as an external room sensor as there is no tube to feed it under the floor).

Hello! I’ve tried to pair a Heatit Z-Push button-8 to a fibaro dimmer 2 directly. The devices pair as they should and I can use the buttons to control the fibaro on and off etc. But, when I’m holding down or up the button to dim the fibaro dimmer, it just continues to dim even after I release the button. I can just dim it to max or min, as it won’t stop when I realse the button. Is this a common issue?