The distance is not ideal and signal strength not perfect (first time setting up several z-wave devices in the house). Using an Aeotec Multisensor 6 on USB power as temporary repeater. Will get a dedicated Aeotec repeater tomorrow. Will eventually installing more TRM3s in the house, and that should fix the signal issue.
It is possible to control the thermostat from the Homey app.
Restarting the app didn’t resolve the issue.
Setting value to 1 and then back to 1.1 fixed the issue (I had originally not touched that value during the installation phase)
I checked and double checked the code; multiChannelAssociation for group 1 is correctly defined. So only option is that during inclusion this particular command was not received properly by the thermostat.
Did you by chance include the thermostat at close distance to Homey (moving Homey to the thermostat), or from the intended position (through the Aeotec Multisensor 6)? It is a bit more cumbersome but the first approach is (strongly) preferred.
But good that it is resolved!
I did move the Homey close to the thermostats while including them (about 1 meter apart), as it was before I thought of using the Aeotec Multisensor 6 as a temporary repeater.
Ok, strange. Not a typical command that gets lost. But good that it has been resolved.
Thank you for very good and quick help to resolve this issue.
Interesting. If I have 2 Z-TRM2fx devices, ID 2 and ID 5. What would be the correct Group settings for the two devices? Group 1, 2, 3 and 4 on both devices set to multichannel 1.1 ? In my case both devices have the same setting. Group1: 1, Group2: 1.1, Group3: 1.1. Group4: 1.
@JOR1 the settings as they are now; since the device driver definition is anticipating on these settings.
I will do some additional testing on the Z-TRM2fx and might migrate (!) the Z-TRM2fx to the full multiChannel communication but that will require also an update of the driver code; hence the migration.
@TedTolboom Thanks for the update.
I normally let Tibber control heating in the house. The connection between Tibber and Heatit thermostats is done through Homey. Yesterday morning, after connecting Z-TRM3 to Homey and things looked fine, I connected Tibber to Homey and Tibber started to control the thermostats.
I then noticed the issue with the various stale thermostat properties not being updated in Homey (the multiChannel issue). I disconnected Tibber from Homey to simplify debugging. The thermostats started to work as expected in Homey after “Group 1” was forced to use the 1.1 value.
When I later tried to connect Tibber to Homey again, the thermostats didn’t show up on the device list in Tibber. I’ve tested several times, but the thermostats are no longer showing in Tibber.
I’ve talked to Tibber, and they say the thermostats are marked as “inactive”, and worked for 3 hours before the stopped working (as seen from Tibber). That could match the time between I added them the first time and the changes done in Homey.
I’ve asked for more technical information from Tibber about the issue.
@Naitsirk Did you have a look at your z-wave network at https://developer.athom.com/tools/zwave ? Are the devices flagged as unreachable?
Yes, they are often flagged as unreachable. But they can still be reached by sending Test signal, and they can be controlled fine from Homey. From what I’ve read, the z-wave network tool is a bit eager to flag devices as unreachable, even if they are not. The issue seems to be in the API between Tibber and the Homey app.
I have exact the same behavior. I can control the devices without any issues and sending test signal or repair always works. But…… I have issues with Homey Heating Scheduler App. The developer has told me that this app never talks directly to the devices, but instead tells Homey to do the communication stuff. It looks like Homey skips talking to the devices it believes are unreachable / inactive. Could it be the same issue for Tibber? Devices become inactive in Tibber if they are flagged as unreachable i Homey?
I’m pretty sure they have been marked not “Unreachable” earlier today when testing, but to be sure, I went into the Homey z-wave overview, and as usual they were marked Unreachable, even if Test works fine. I did Heal and then Test again, and then tried once more to connect Tibber to Homey. And this time the thermostats showed up again. I verified that I can control the thermostats from Tibber. As Tibber is also investigating the issue, I cannot be 100% sure they haven’t fixed anything in the backend.
I tested again when Homey reported the thermostats as Unreachable in the z-wave tool. It was still possible to control the devices from Tibber. I could see the Tx Sent number increase as the thermostats were turned on and off. The Unreachable flag sometimes was shown and sometimes not while doing this, but the functionality seems to work even so.
Version 2.5.0 has been released to the general App Store; enjoy this update!
Thank you for all the good work!
Ok… I see there is an error in this update, related to the Z-DIM device, crashing the app.
Working on a fix at this moment!
Fix is available in 2.5.1 via Heatit Controls | Homey
That was quick! 2.5.1 just autoinstalled and fixed all my devices again.
Thank you
Hmmm… I’m getting slow; needed 60 minutes from app release to discover, fix, rebuild test setup, test and release and another 26 minutes to hunt down Athom to approve…
Apologies for any inconvenience caused!
Thanks @TedTolboom for your great work!
After the lastest update (v2.5.1) i have lost contact with my 1.gen thermostat, and my Z-Push button-8.