Halloween Flows

Does anyone do anything with their lights on Halloween with a flow? Maybe something that randomly flashes specific lights, etc. ?

The wife used to use a Hue app that sync’d with music and now I am in hot water because of my fundamental design flaw where I removed the Hue Hub from our home :slight_smile:

Any suggestions would be great, thanks.

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I created a Flow that, when someone rings the bell on Halloween Eve, my Sonos announces the total amount I’ve spent on my smart home… and let me tell you, that’s the real scare! :ghost:

Haha, all jokes aside, I love the question and I’m excited to see what creative ideas the Homey Community comes up with!


A friend has created something cool. Each time someone rings the bell for Hallowing, it will switch off the lights outside, turn on neon lights with pumpkin :jack_o_lantern: and monsters :ghost: :man_zombie: and then play Halloween music outside. He is looking at improving it with other ideas. Maybe some smoke.

Pretty cool for the kids :sunglasses:

One of my (early) Halloween projects this year…

When the button is pressed, Homey will turn off all the lights, then randomly starts one of the predefined “shows” on my Falcon Player. It also sends me a picture of the people who pressed it. When the program ends, all exterior lights will turn back on again.

Homey keeps count on how many times the button is pressed each day, and sends me a report of that every evening. Additionally it turns off the smoke machine and speakers automatically every night to save energy.

I’m running this setup for multiple years already, and it’s a big succes.


Cool suggestions thanks!

Haha, love it!
Where is this? :smiley:

Love the (powered by Homey) @Emile must love it too :smiley:

Hmm… looks like I am moving all my lights back to the Hue Hub and integrating the hub back to Homey… damn. So much for the concept of all your home automation with one hub :frowning:

With the Hue hub/app there is MUCH more functionality and options. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised as it is a “Phillips Hue” system and probably shouldn’t expect a third-party to duplicate the functionality.

WoW, soooo cool :+1::ok_hand:t4::clap:t4: