Google lntegration lost and can not be repaired (other then reboot modem / router / Homey): Athom is aware

It doesn’t work for me. Within 1 night (!) the fun is already over :frowning: I have to keep on rebooting…

Hope it will work your site @Prom !

I was getting happy. It worked for 8 hrs and then 20 hrs. And then ……. Pfff. Connection lost.
So back to the scheduled reboot of my homey.

:frowning: I am on a record breaking period… 25 hrs already and counting… I wonder what will happen before the next time it fails…(if I can recall) Looking for clues everywhere :wink:

Update 8-1-24: The strangest thing is happening. It seems like the problem of the connection dissapears when you give it time AND comes back when you give it time. That looks like ‘too much traffic’ or something like a congestion.

Haven’t restarted Homey in 2 days now. Yesterday evening, it didn’t work, this morning it did. Without a restart…

Will report it to Athom, hope it can speed things up over there…

For now: to be continued…

Update 10-1-24: It is still working!! I There was a Homey update yesterday, but I didn’t get the confirmation from Athom that a solution was part of the release, nor could I read anything about it in the release notes.

@Prom @Rogier_P @Doekse @Ruud_Braat @Roel_van_de_Kerkhof @Rogier_P Is it also solved at your end?

Update 11-1-24 :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: I think that says it all. I had a little hope, but we are back at square 1.

Let’s group our experiences together.

Athom support told me today they cannot help because my case seems individual.
@Sharkys opened his own ticket 10 days ago.

Request to everyone to please provide an update here about your linked with Google Home experience on the HP2023.
The problem doesn’t go away for me. After linking (which works correctly the first time), all devices remain

  1. With a exclamation mark (iPhone)
  2. With Loading… in the icon (Android)
  3. Moreover, the devices are not per room/zone but all together.

What is your current experience (in bullet points please)?

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Hi @Rrrr

I experience the following annoying situation. After restart (since a short week standard at 4 AM daily):

  1. All is working well, all devices present, evryone happy
  2. After a random time nothing is working anymore; ie speech commands including Homey devices, do not recognize the devices anymore, while the devices can still be operated via Homey.

Athom seems to be on vacation. Not only on this topic but also on others. :frowning:


I don’t know what is so difficult to understand, this is a user forum and Athom can only be reached via support ticket.

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It is ok, Athom support is actively interested in our contribution to this thread. They are eager to find out what’s wrong. As I well know it is harder to solve individual cases, but it seems we are finding a common denominator here.

@Michel_Bos Thank you for your contribution. Please attach a screenshot of your Google Home devices (when not working) to your post.

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Hi @ChrisG I am not addressing Athom here, you jump to conclusions too fast. I am just sharing that I get no solution/response on my support ticket (s) on this subject, which I sent in weeks ago.

I am well aware that this is a community platform and not the Athom service desk.

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Hi all, changes where made so I was hoping for the best. First of all my homey got updated with the latest firmware. And I discovered the homey was working on wifi instead of wired network (wrong adapter wiring). So now on wired LAN, and……… nope after approx 22 hrs again disconnected from Google home. So I’ll put the nightly reboot on again.

Hi @Rrrr I will not paste an image of my Google Home, but I can tell you: all devices are off-line!

Does anyone else with this Homey-Google issue recognize this?

This triggers me: I have ‘offline issues’ with Homey itself, but also with Tado, when I want to add a new device. Did something happen in the Homey communication with outside of the local network? For this issue, Athom asked me to give Homey a static IP-adress. Didn’t do it yet, but might be a solution…

To be continued.

@Prom I’m sorry to read that your actions didn’t work :-(…

Me, today…but it loaded after while, like within 10 sec or so - I saw such behavior 1st time.

Just FYI, I do have since beginning (static address by DHCP).
But as I mentioned, my problems are slightly different.

Hi, so I gave Homey a statis IP, but without effect. Strange thing is that not only my Google devices from Homey are offline, when I am outside, even Homey is offline! (Except my Homey Pro early 2019, this one still is online!!, same network) And then suddenly, after a few hours, it is online again, for a little while.

For me this whole offline thing and this Google issue started somwehere beginning of december. I suspect there was a Homey update with extra security items in the release or something like that, only for Homey Pro 23.

I have issues at the moment not being able to connect a new TADO device. Reason? Guess it? Homey seems to be offline for TADO which causes an invalid token situation. Coincidence? Or same issue…

Makes sense?

I have a different issue.

  1. New HP2023 bought today 2 hours ago
  2. 3 Hue bridges connected to Homey by Matter ( :heart_eyes:)
  3. On the Google Home app, under works with Google, I tried to add Homey to my home:
  • After a moment it says Home is connected (Homey is gekoppeld)
  • The Google colored wheel starts turning
  • After a few moments more it says: Something went wrong.

Please do not tell me this is normal… :cry:

Hey @BenD , welcome in this community!

I am hesitant to say that this is normally not a problem and should work. However, for the last month or so, the connection between Homey and Google Home is not reliable. For what I know, Athom is working on it and for what I expect: this will be solved.

Maybe restart your Homey and try to connect again. Don’t forget to switch the connection on in Homey itself, under '“Instellingen” (Don’t knwo how it is presented in English :wink:

Good luck with the rest of you Homey activities anyways :slight_smile:

Hm, I asked my family when the problem started (in my case flows activation, we used daily)… someone says 5 weeks, someone just 4. I do have feeling it started also somewhere in December already.

Anyway, some time ago there was “reset integration button” on Google side. I wonder if that would help in case like we do have. …but seems that functionality has been removed by Google - anyone any thoughts on that ?

Hi all,

for myself I have come to a conclusion, which I already shared with Athom:

Homey gets into an ‘offline’ modus. At that point there is no connection with Google Home, but also no connection with certain apps, fe TADO or even Homey itself!


  1. I wanted to connect a TADO device, but I got an error message after logging (via Homey) in my TADO account that Homey was offline.
  2. In a lot off cases, when I am outside my home, and I want to connect to Homey, the message is that Homey is offline. I can reach my Homey early 19, but not my Homey early 23.

I restart Homey every morning at 4AM, so I have at least a little connection in the morning, some of you do the same. So wehen I was walking the dog I tried to connect to Homey, and it worked! So I stopped and tried to add this TADO device. Guess what, that worked too!!

So that’s why I concluded the above: Homey 23 is somehow getting in an ‘Offline modus’, impacting connections from outside Home with Homey.

Please help me and ourselves and Athom to understand if this is the case, byy testing this, the next time you loose your connection with Google Home. I know it’s not 100% ‘waterproof’, but let’s give it a try.

Share please.

Thx, Michel

Don’t you observe then something similar like described here ?

Hey @Sharkys Haven’t seen that topic yet, but it definately has similarities!!

I will update Athom on that issue also. Hope they wille have a look at this ‘datastorage’ full of hints and tips on where to look!

So for all looking in this topic: there are related topics :frowning:

I have gathered them in this overall topic

FYI, got a re-ly on my support ticket. They are aware of the problem and it has been reported by many others. They are working on it. So we have to wait for a solution.