Google Home discussion topic (Archived 1)

Well, tell us, why don’t you just do that yourself?

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Does this news also means that devices that are compatible with Google home become also compatible with homey without using a dedicated app for homey?

That´s a good question.

Nope, the compatible Homey devices appear in Google home, so you can ask Google to switch them.
Not the other way around.

Also your virtual devices or Goup devices?

Probably at least the Virtual Devices as long as they are a type that GH has support for. I don’t have any group devices so can’t answer that. But GH shouldn’t see a virtual light switch any different than a real light switch.


Just a little update for you. Restarting Client and Hub made it work again.

Strange… Not overhere. What are your hubsettings exactly?

Nothing special I think…



No it isn’t…

Anyone heard anything about the New native integration? April is soon ended and what i can se its still not here yet

Frop what I get from the latest blog, they’re waiting for Google’s approval (again)

There is a homey update that contains this;

[Core] Add preliminary support for Google Assistant

Any idea what we can expect? I’m not seeing any difference yet…

Expect that we have to wait until Google approved and Athom publishes their integration.
So correct, no. Difference yet… Just wait, I guess you will get an email when Athom’s marketing informs us…


Hi (i am posting it here, since google home questions where to be collected) ,

I recently went from Fibaro HC to Athom homey and with Fibaro I have been able to connect my devices to google home routines.

I like the homey experience, but I wonder how to connect homey (if possible) to my google account. I dont care about the talk part, it “works” I can “talk” to homey via google, (working so so , since google trying to get to harmony. 30% of the time). I want to add devices to routines in google home (edit, in google home, not in homey. I don’t want to trigger a flow etc. I want to add my devices in google home so i can add them in routines that i have in google home).

Is this something that is possible, on the way or is it time to change my old habits?

I guess this will be possible when native Goggle home support works.

Will come if Google hast approved everything

You can, in the routine, type Tell homey “command to perform”

That wont add my devices to google home so i can set up routines?

I guess i am using homey more as a portal for google to connect to “my home”. That might be my “problem”

A routine has nothing to do with a device being native or not. A routine is nothing but a short notation for a long command. Kinda like a windows favorite so you don’t have to remember the complete url…

So, even if your devices are not native yet, you can still setup routines that saves you from saying the “tell Homey to” part.