I use the ‘Wasmachine’ flow to be noticed when the washingmachine has finished.
As an addition i also calcultate the costs of the power used.
With mathjs i round this calculation to 2 digits behind the separator.
Sometimes the calculation gives 20 cents. This is noted as € 0,2 in the message i send to myself.
Just for cosmetic reasons: Is there a way to format this into € 0,20 (2 digits so with the 0 added) in mathjs ? (number to string)
Like something as: usedpower$ = format$(number, € ##,00)
(In case of notation ‘fixed’, precision defines the number of significant digits after the decimal point)
So, with this Logics card ‘calc a value’, I want to accomplish 100 to be shown as 100.0 like this, but I get NaN values returned.
Thanks Robert. I realized this and changed the var name a few times.
First I used a / sign and before that a . sign. Will now try without special characters.
Is there a way to get the output to exclude the " "
I am wanting to turn a number (23) into 23.0 but the results outputs as “23.0” and the web command then fails.
It seems that the flow cards are adding these (possibly because they are using some sort of JSON formatting). I don’t know if there’s a way of removing them.