Flow doen not repeat

I have a Homey Pro. It is connected to a Fibaro Wall Plug with a light. I have the following flow:

  1. als uitgezet
  2. en tijd is > 21.00 uur
  3. dan zet aan
  4. zet uit na 120-180 min
    I have activated the flow but it does not result in turning the light on. In addition, when I press under “favorable apparatus” the Wallplug, it turns on but not off at the requested time.
    What can I do for a proper repeatment of the flow?

This flow is like:
ALS uitgezet DAN zet aan.
WHEN turned off THEN turn on.
Is that really what u want?
Maybe tell us what u are trying to achieve.

Also, if you turn off the light at 21:01, it will turn on again, turn off between 23:01 and 00:01 (due to step 4), and then turn on again (due to step 1) most of the time…

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Your flow:
When you turn of the lights after 9 p.m., it immediately swiches on again, and turn of again after 120 or 180 minutes. ?
But: If you switch it off before 9 p.m., nothing happens…

I think you should remove 1. : When the times is 9 pm, switch on the lights , and turn them off again 120 or 180 min later. This implies that you light will always switch off between 0 and 1 am.

Dear All responders, thank you very much! I see now the fault that I have made!
I will change it.

Best regards, Bert

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