Flow A triggers flow B. Can flow B get the name of flow A?

It’s pretty much what i wrote in the subject line… Flow A triggers flow B and can I use the name of flow A as a variable there? It can also be flow C triggering flow B so just using the ‘start flow with text’ is not what i am looking for.

Nope, not possible at this moment.

Why not? If flow A parses “Flow A” as text and flow C parses “Flow C” as text. Then flow B knows which flow started it looking at this text variable? Or am I wrong here?

As topic starter disqualified that solution.

Yep , I read that, that’s why I am asking why that solution is disqaulified, because it does the job for the question in the topic title… :grin:

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Sorry, i misinterpreted as a question to me :rofl:

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Hi! thanks for your reply!
The issue is that I am using the textfield already to pass on a variable…
Of course I can work around this (and probably have to)… was just wondering if there was a way to pass the name of the original flow. I will submit it to Homey.

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You can do this with the app Advanced Trigger.
With that you can start flows through tags/tokens or text.
And you can use many arguments.

Very nice one… I didn’t know about advanced trigger! I also downloaded some of your other ones… they will give me a lot of more options to work with on the homey… thanks!

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You are welcome!
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