Setting a text variable to the value of another text variable

I am finding that I cannot use the contents of a text variable to directly update the value of another text variable. This is in Homey logic not Better Logic (which I do not need for anything else any have not yet incorporated into this set of flows).

  1. A trigger invokes SET var1 TO text1
  2. There is another variable, var2 and I execute SET var2 TO var1
  3. I expect the value of var2 to be “text1” because that was the value inserted in var1. This seems to work the first time.
  4. The trigger fires again and invokes SET var1 TO text2
  5. The flow that controls var2 runs again and appears to execute SET var2 to var1 without any problem messages
  6. I expect to find that the value of var2 is now “text2” but it is not. It remains as “text1”
  7. My further flows that only proceed if var2 has changed fail to function.

Has anyone else had such an experience or is able to explain this? I have tested it several times making test flows specially for the purpose.

Maybe timing issue? Are you sure that action 4 is finished before action 5 is started?

When using standard flows for it: Do you have any delays added between the writing and reading of variables?
The action cards are not triggered in chronological order.
Can you share the flows, please? It makes finding the issue a bit easier.

Pls share your flows