Fibaro Smart Implant

He needs to switch 24V m8. The Aeotec nano switch works with 120-240V.

Oh, that I did not check, thanks for letting us know! Guess we need to ask Athom for a feature request.

Again? :wink:

I think multiple users should make a device request so that hopefully the request will be prioritized higher.

Did you ever find the reason for this problem? I have the same problem today? The outputs won’t be changed to NC even if the parameter seems successfully changed. :slight_smile:

Hey Homeys!

First, thank you to fantross for explaining how to configure the parameters. Now I can operate my garage door remotely which have been on my “want”-list for some time. I wish the parameter configuration was more user friendly in Homey but hey…you can’t get all you want. :smile:

Secondly, and this might not be specific to Smart Implant…but is there a way to remove stuff from the dashboard. In my use of the SI I only have internal temperature active (haven’t figured out why humidity is not showing any value) so there are ten values in the dashboard that will never show anything. Can those be hidden someway?

Below those in that picture there are five more and the humidity. I’d like it to only show internal temperature and humidity (if I can get humidity to show a value).


EDIT: realized that the SI doesn’t have an internal humidity sensor…so there will not be any value for it until I get an external sensor for it. I think I will get a DHT22 dual sensor and mount it on the ceiling. This way I can monitor the humidity in the garage and also get a crude fire detector using the temp sensor.

When you get these sensors, exclude (delete) the implant from the network, the connect the sensors, then include implant back. Else no values will be shown.

Good to know danone, thank you! :+1:

No, it’s not possible.

Workaround: You could use the Device Capabilities app to create a device with only the capabilities you want to use.
Disadvantage: An additional app is required and you have an additional device. The device tile from the SI could then be moved to an “Other” zone, for example.

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