Expand z-wave network via wifi

Let’s assume you have a hallway with multiple motion sensors on Homey One and want to use them on Homey Two.

Flow on Homey One

This flow sends a HTTP Get request to the other Homey, notice the hZoneActive?tag=0

Flow on Homey Two

This flow receives the hZoneActive GET request and sets the tag from the request in the measure_luminance value of a Virtual Motion Sensor and sets the alarm_motion value of that sensor to true

These flows handles the Motion sensor going inactive:


With this method the Virtual Motion Sensor on Homey Two is always in sync with the real sensor on Homey One.

I’ve used this method to move all my Zigbee devices from my ‘production’ Homey to my Development Homey so I could do a Zigbee reset (after the Zigbee rewrite) without interrupting operation. I’ve done extensive testing and found the method of keeping some Zigbee sensors on another Homey and using http communication between the two Homey’s is at least as fast and sometimes faster than moving all my devices to my production Homey.

While I did this with Zigbee devices this method can be used with any and every device your Homey(s) can support.
Why did I use http requests with web hooks and not MQTT? It is built-in functionality, no apps needed thus no extra CPU and memory usage. (And it was supposed to be temporary :wink: )