Error_resource_gone -sonos-

When my router is set up to use NordVPN my Sonos devices get this error when called from FLOWS…
Direct use of the devices Do work correct.
So when called from FLOWS the devices get the error: ERROR_RESOURCE_GONE

Have you tried restarting the Sonos app on your Homey after turning on the VPN?


The only solution so far for me is to disable VPN :frowning:

You probably have to contact Athom, who made the Sonos app.

Seems Willem had everything routed via NordVPN:

“In between, I have figured out that it is because of NordVPN… Since I run my router unify dreammachine as my internet traffic over NordVPN, the homewizard devices via homey -api- are no longer reachable. As soon as I remove NordVPN between them, the connection between homewizard api and homey is correct again.”

Not sure what’s on the other end of that VPN, but many cloud dependent stuff will disconnect I presume.

Yeah, that’s why I hoped that restarting the app would fix the issue (so when the app restarts it could set up new connections), but it sounds like it’s more complicated than that (I can imagine that with an incorrect firewall setting the router might even try to route local network traffic over the VPN, which obviously won’t work).

Most of my other apps do work on homey.

Only Sonos and HomeWizard have these problems.

My router is setup the correct way and my other devices all talk to each other on the native apps.

Even the sonos app does work when called directly from the homey app. Only when called from a flow they won’t.
I’ve been testing for hours now… The only way flows -sonos/homewizard- stop working is when my router routes my internet traffic through NORDVPN.

same here - until yesterday everything worked well with the sonos and homey system.

Today I receive the “error resource gone” issue when I try to control the sonos speakers…

When I change the volume via the sonos app (outside homey) I can see in realtime volume changes of the sonos speakers inside the homey system.

I will contact athom…

I powered of ALL sonos speakers and powered them on again…
Now it is working again :slight_smile: