Hello, since last night, none of my 3 Sonos speakers are working. Every time I try to play sound through Homey, I get a “resource gone” error. I have restarted my Homey 2023 Pro box and have repaired the 3 Sonos speakers via the app, but nothing changes. However, the speakers work through the official Sonos app, so the issue seems to be with Homey. For your information, it has been working fine for several months, and suddenly, last night, nothing. Has anyone else experienced this problem? I don’t think I am the only one.
Phew, glad I’m not the only one. This probably means it’s a general issue. Right now, I don’t have a solution to fix the problem, except for trying to remove one of my Sonos devices, reinstall it, and set up all the associated flows again—which is really inconvenient.
Noticed the same thing here. And the Sonos app on my phone and tablet just work fine.
As I control my Sonos devices through an advanced flow, I started trouble shooting on my pc and tried controlling the speakers through the Sonos web app as well. That doesn’t work 100% anymore either. I think that is what Athom is using as well. So most likely Athom cannot fix this.
Since the Android and iOS apps are still working, I don’t think Sonos is going to be in a hurry to fix it
I have had exactly the same problem since today.
However, only on 2 of 4 Sonos devices. The
Two work and two don’t work.
There is also no update available. Neither with Sonos nor with Homey.
@Rudi_Hendrix @dudu_95 @Limofant @Rob-van-Deemter
Probably you all have to update your SONOS-Speakers software, like me.
I just ran a test, and it seems to be working again. This whole situation is crazy! I don’t know if the issue comes from Sonos or Homey. If it’s from Sonos, that means the day they decide to stop supporting the product, it will no longer work with Homey and will be useless. This dependency system is really not great.
I think it’s a problem in Sonos’ end, they have an ongoing issue with their cloud services. My Sonos speakers with Google Assistant has been complaining all day as well as not working with Homey.
Same problem here. Sonos is having problems with their app (big time!) but so far Homey has worked fine - but not anymore… No SONOS update available.
I have informed Homey Support
Yes, a lot of people have had issues with their Sonos app
No, this is not the same. This is related to the Sonos web app
Well, in the end, it’s not working anymore. I’m also sending a request to Homey support.
Install the lastest firmware and the problem is solved
On Sonos? Or on Homey?
I just did it on Sonos, and it doesn’t change the problem.
As stated earlier Sonos is having a partial problem with their cloudservices supporting 3th parties. probably for the newer products as only my ERA100 speakers are giving the source gone message. So till this is fixed we will have this error.
Also older models are affected. In my case a combination of a Playbar, Play:1’s and Sub.
test version 6.6.6 fixes a few issues for me.
Thank you for the information that there is a test version. I already tried everything I could. Restarting Homey, restarting the Sonos app, deleting 2 Sonos speakers from Homey and adding them again incl. repairing all flows.
Nothing fixed the issue. Now, with the test version 6.6.6 everything seems to be ok again.
The flow in Homey to activate Sonos by detecting my phone when I come home still works.
Which typ of activation through a flow gives problems?