Error Panasonic Comfort cloud app

For the note.
My Panasonic hz25xke constantly loosing wifi so I have to restart the router every day to pick the connection up (all router simplifications were done). Also the temperature sensor laging. All this is a big disappointment in relation to the quality of expensive flagship AC.

Yep, my “owner” account now also gives “interval server error” in Homey. Now I don’t dare to log out of my android app, in case that also fails to login…:frowning:

Smart. Do not logout. It worked fine until logout.
Though, it seems like this is a problem on Panasonic side. Do they know about it? I cannot find where we should complain.

I think opening a technical support case is the only possible way to reach Panasonic, if you can get past the web of resellers - but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

The service looks ok this morning, though. I had to re-authenticate, both in Android and Homey.

Edit: scratch that - service error is back on Homey.

I could open the native app and could connect Panasonic device in Homey this morning.
But the Homey device stopped working almost immediately. Removed Homey device now and cannot add it again.

How did you re-authenticate?

Logged out and in again in Android app, re-entered creds in Homey app.

But it was short lived - the server error started again on Homey during my work day, not sure when… :frowning:

I left a message on : hope they solve the problem soon


I have the same issues with this Homey app.
The original Panasonic ap on my iPhone works still fine.

@lumin Can you please help us solving this issue?

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Same here. Seems like Panasonic has changed something in the API again… :roll_eyes:

@lumin normally acts quickly on issues but I guess he isn’t using his units in the winter. :wink:

I just restarted the app on Homey and it is working again now.

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Unfortunatly with me still the internal server error with Comfort cloud app and service error in Homey with my main account, with my secondary account no problem in panasonic app.

Same here. After a restart I can control them once (turn them on). After that there’s no response and after a restart the units are all unavailable again.

Yup same again :cry:
Was able to control them for a period of time.
Did a restart of the app again and now it fails again.

Yep. Not working. But with Panasonic comfort cloud app on iphone not working too: Server internal error.

Since this morning both homey and app work again for me.

I’ve seen this for the last couple of days: restarting the Homey app in the morning shows all good, then in the afternoon, the homey app stops working (it has no effect on device). Restarting gives red triangle (“server error”). Rinse and repeat☹️.

Since a similar effect is seen by some in the Android app, I’m quite certain this is not specific to @lumin’s app.

I think it is temporary blacklisting - maybe caused by the Homey app exceeding an undocumented number of API calls in an hour/a day?

Unfortunatly after Homey update this morning, both errors on Homey and comfort cloud app

Luckly I don’t have issues with the original Panasonic app on my iPhone.
But as Robert mentioned in the morning after a restart of the Panasonic app on Homey there is a connection for a short period of time.
I hope it will be soon clear what the issue is and that it can be fixed.
It is pretty pitty that the creator of this app is not responding. This gives me a bad feeling about the consistancy for the use of this app.
Perhaps I wil get an Tado Aircocontrol to get rid of these issues. And also because of the Tado app is maintained by Athom an hopefully better support.

Is there someone who is good in writing code for an Homey app?
I searched the internet and found some interesting Github sites with Python code. Perhaps it is not difficult for a coder to write a new Panasonic app :wink:

Same problems here, “internal server error”. More problems lately, but a year ago it was down for many weeks. Now it varies from day to day. Even though I have made inquires to Panasonic support before, I have just initiated a new case with the Norwegian support ‘’. I have 5 Panasonic hz25xke in 3 different locations, and my temporary solution for controlling these have been to set up and adjust schedules manually at times when I am able to access the Comfort app. I currently don’t relay on Homey being able to control these. That said, Homey is often able to manage these, even when the Comfort app is “down”.