Since yesterdays issue with apps in the Frankfurt region the Panasonic Comfort Cloud app is still having issues on my Homey Pro. The devices are not available and showing “New version app has been published” but there is no newer version then 1.3.0.
That issue was solved since the latest update to v1.3.0.
This is a new issue related to the Frankfurt region incident from yesterday. Therefore all my units where working correctly.
No, this is the same issue again because Panasonic has updated the api again. Logging into the Panasonic app you can also see this because they have updated all terms.
I gave up on this app. The vendor is making modification to prevent it working with 3rd part . I have moved Sensibo since and working all the time. It is a shame to have something promising and the vendor is boycotting it. Shame on you Panasonic.