Error Panasonic Comfort cloud app

Got mail back from Panasonic
Bedankt dat u contact opneemt met Panasonic om u probleem te melden. Wij hebben het probleem van u laten analyseren door onze cloud-engineers. Deze engineers hebben als mogelijke oorzaak opgegeven dat er te veel inlogpogingen zijn gedaan door het zelfde account. Als u een aantal uur/ 1 dag wacht zou het wel weer moeten lukken. Indien u nog vragen heeft horen wij dat graag van u

Afwachtende op een reactie van uw zijde verblijf ik u.

Best regards, | Vriendelijke groeten, | 敬具,

Wilfred Pijnenburg

Technical Specialist

Panasonic Heating & Ventilation Air-conditioning Europe (PHVACEU)

Google translation

Thank you for contacting Panasonic to report your problem. We have had your problem analyzed by our cloud engineers. These engineers have stated as a possible cause that too many login attempts have been made by the same account. If you wait a few hours / 1 day, it should work again. If you have any questions, we would like to hear from you Awaiting a response from your side, I remain with you. Best Regards, | Kind Regards, |敬具, Wilfred Pijnenburg Technical specialist Panasonic Heating & Ventilation Air-conditioning Europe (PHVACEU)

That would be strange since the app stops after one input. Unless the app makes a lot of extra api calls but only @lumin can see that.

Also, I am using a separate account for Homey so it can’t be connected to the native app from Panasonic.

That make sense.
Because the native Panasonic app is still working for me. Because for the Homey app I use a separate account as recommended.
And the Google searches I had found yesterday are not experiencing these issues. So it must be an issue sin the Homey Panasonic Cloud app.

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I also have 2 accounts, the one connected to homey is the one with problems, the one connected to panasonic comfort cloud works like a charm.
Hopefully Vegard Svendsen can look into this problem.

I emailed a reply

Goedmiddag Wilfred,

Bedankt voor je snelle reactie.

Ik heb het account aan Homey gekoppeld (Domoticasysteem), mogelijk dat de app meerdere inlogpogingen doet.

Wat alleen erg vreemd is, ik gebruik deze combinatie al ca. 1 jaar zonder problemen,

Dit probleem is ca. 7 dagen geleden ontstaan , niet alleen voor mij, maar voor meerdere gebruikers rond hetzelfde tijdstip.

De app heeft op 12 Oktober voor het laatst een update gehad en zou dus eigenlijk geen gedragsverandering mogen veroorzaken, vandaar dat wij denken dat er aan jullie kant bijvoorbeeld het maximaal aantal inlogpogingen is verminderd.

Zou je daar eens navraag naar kunnen doen ?

Link naar de gebruikte app : Panasonic Comfort Cloud App for Homey | Homey


Good afternoon Wilfred, Thanks for your quick response. I have linked the account to Homey (Domotica system), the app may make several login attempts. Which is very strange, I have been using this combination for about 1 year without any problems, This problem started about 7 days ago, not just for me, but for several users around the same time. The app was last updated on October 12 and should therefore not cause any behavioral change, which is why we think that the maximum number of login attempts has been reduced on your side, for example. Could you inquire about that? Link to the app used : Panasonic Comfort Cloud App for Homey | Homey

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Answer from Panasonic

Beste Patrick,

Er zijn een week geleden wel problemen geweest met cloud. Dat is allemaal hersteld. Er zijn idd meerdere meldingen binnen gekomen. Maar allemaal zijn ze weer verholpen zover ik weet.

Afwachtende op een reactie van uw zijde verblijf ik u.

Best regards, | Vriendelijke groeten, | 敬具,

Wilfred Pijnenburg

Technical Specialist


Dear Patrick, There were problems with cloud a week ago. That has all been restored. Several reports have been received. But they’ve all been fixed again as far as I know. Awaiting a response from your side, I remain with you. Best Regards, | Kind Regards, |敬具, Wilfred Pijnenburg Technical specialist

For me, today it’s still ServiceError in Homey and Internal Server Error in Comfort app login (same user). I believe Panasonic should check specific user problems to identify actual problems, if necessary, even borrowing login credentials to debug…

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Yeah, that’s bs. Panasonic app is working fine. Homey-app just for one input, after that it stops. As said above they should not guess but look into the specific issues. It’s not one user. It’s many.

Panasonic have updated the terms and conditions and there is a need to confirm this in the Panasonic Comfort Cloud app for the account that Homey uses. Log out of the Comfort Cloud app if You are logged in with a different ID, and log on with the ID that is used in Homey. When the terms and conditions is confirmed, the Homey app starts responding immediately. Log out of the Comfort Cloud app again and log in with Your main ID for this again.

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Haleluja! Thanks @MbenzNo !

That was very short lived unfortunately. All are offline again after a Homey restart/

I tried that also and is also not working for me.

Any account used with the Homey PCC app will quickly be rate-limited. So, if you use the same account for the Android and the Homey app, you will be blocked in both - always use different accounts.

I’ve experimented with panasonic-comfort-cloud-client, which I suspect @lumin is using in his app. When supplying my Android credentials (or another set of freshly created credentials), it works fine, but with my Homey credentials, authentication fails with HTTP status 429 (“too many requests”). (There’s no information on what the allowable rate is, but the block seems to lift once every 24 hours.)

I think @lumin’s app authenticates too often - maybe every time PCC is accessed? Authenticating every request is expensive, that’s why APIs return a token which is intended to be reused for a (possibly long) time.

Alternatively, @lumin’s app is simply contacting the PCC service too frequently.

In any case, Panasonic has handled the unneccessary load on their servers by imposing a rate limit - which is entirely within their right. This limit is apparantly good enough for the Android app, and also for the corresponding Home Assistant module (that forum had traffic similar to our thread back when @lumin had to accomodate API changes a few months back, but has not had any traffic since then - which I take to mean that HA users have not been hit by the rate limiting issue).

Good explanation of the issue.
Hope really there will be soon a fix.
It’s pretty pity there is lack of support on this app.
In general this is an issue for many apps on Homey that are created by individuals without backup. Atoom should require at least a GitHub source before accepting the apps.

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That’s how it used to work, until Athom themselves started making their own apps private and allowing other developers to do the same.

After weeks of Internal Server errors… and trying to contact Panasonic,… getting a bit frustrated. So i mailed the above mail address as well. Maybe if we all do that, we get the right attention.

Yesterday evening it did work for me, via homey, and via cc app. I was able to control my units. This morning the internal server error again.

The problem is with the Homey app - I see no reason for Panasonic to change anything. (See my previous post for details.)

I’ve bit the bullet and built my own app. It’s been running rock solid on my Homey for a few days. It will be a while before I can get it to the Homey store (not sure if the existing app could hamper approval).

The repo is here - read the instructions carefully if you want to try it. End-users installing development code is not a supported or recommended use case!


Hello Robert,

Good initiative, unfortunately only because of our household can’t do without Homey,
We don’t dare to just install any unsupported app (I have no knowledge of this either).
I hope your app will be available in the store soon.
Thnx for you effort so far, good luck, DJ.

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Good work! Unfortunately the only way to put it in the official app store is if @lumin decides to give up the app officially and notifies Athom.

Yes, the guidelines has a rule about “one app per brand”, but it’s possible to provide supporting arguments.
I have no strong motivation for pushing this - I have a working app :slight_smile:.
But I’ll probably give it a go if @lumin doesn’t step up soon - he’s also welcome to any inspiration from my code, if it can help.

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