Error E-001 X

Hi, my Homey Pro 2023 gives a breathing red light.
I connect it to the pc and follow the steps but it stuck/hang on 25% or by the beginning of Performance some magic. Later on I got the error E-001 X Verification error, try another usb port or cable.

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Perfect, have you done that?
and what was the result of that?


I tried 2 diffrent cables and ports but nothing helps me.
Even tried Chrome or Edge
Then I created this ticket :slight_smile:

This is a community forum.

Guess you need to create a support ticket

I can’t think of much else than getting a decent short cable. Maybe usb-c to A and try again.

Thanks @Dijker , I read it before and searched on Google and on the error code.
I’m waiting for 5-10minutes to see some progress on the Perfomring some magic
Schermafbeelding 2024-03-22 215421