So I’m a network engineer in my day job, where I also use yaml, so I can work with home assistant but I just don’t want to because I want to outsource that effort and this seems like a decent way to do it
However, there will be things where Homey doesn’t yet work. My idea is to use homey for most things and Home assistant where Homey doesn’t quite cut it but I’d like to access it all from one app and for it to function as if it was one product?
I recommend the H.A. community app for 100%
I’m using it since the first release.
By the way, when you want to have Homey devices and/or data available in H.A., have a look at my tutorial
Just wondering - what for You need to stay with Homey, if You are using HA ?
Actually after 3 months I gave up with Homey and I am migrating to HA. My only reason to stay with Homey was advanced flows…
But finally I found Node RED - which does even more.
Also no issues with zigbee random actions in HA.
Also FW OTA support in HA. (for some devices)
Alarmo is perfect replacement for Heimdall.
Matter is working OK.
Bridge to Homekit is there – I didn’t tested yet…
Just need to say - I was excited with Homey, but too many bugs for now, with too many limitations forced me to move away
I’m quite content with both of my Pro 2019s. I like the two flow editors. From what I’ve read until now, I’m not interested in a Pro 2023, at all.
Node red looks like a great tool, and main example for Advanced Flow, but I can’t get my head around it. Nothing I try works right away, I just don’t get the ‘logic’ of it.
Automations are improved a lot, but they can be hard to ‘read’.
I under stand it always depends on user prefferences.
I like HOMEY – but as I wrote strange behaviour - zigbee auto binding issue - makes it deal breaker for me…
Just rewrote simple flow (with some tweaks) from Homey to HA Node RED ;-)))))