Homey vs Home Assistant

Let me begin with: I love Homey :slight_smile: I really do.

  • easy integration of devices
  • advanced workflows, just awesome!
  • new Dashboard feature … about time and great

Especially the workflows are super powerful. Typically no scripting required. Which I like - and I’m a SW developer originally.

Now the but:

  • my Homey is super unreliable - or to be more specific: the connection is. I have a iPad Dashboard that looses connection on daily basis. And so is the App loosing connection while I see Homey still executing flows. I think it was a poor design decision to have everything running remotely. I don’t have the same challenge with any other home automation system
  • often I have Hue devices not responding to my flows (triggered by Shelly devices). I switches that to HomeKit. There it works flawless

Unfortunately, it doesn’t help to have the best Home automation if you can’t connect to it :frowning: So I have to say good bye Homey. I’m moving to Home Assistant. I had tried it before Homey and hated it. I hate editing YAML config. Luckily, HA has come around. The new Dashboard is now 95% drag and drop. Integration of devices mostly works without touching config files as well. Or if not then just some basic stuff.

I haven’t migrated my workflows yet. I’m expecting some painful work there. I’ll give Node-RED a try. Hopefully it’s kind of similar than the Adv Workflows. Let’s see.

Anyway, I had a good time with Homey and I’m really sad to go. I delayed the decision for long. But those disconnects are just not workable.

So guys, have fun! And see you somewhere

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…and I guess you have contacted also Athom Support about your issues, right ? What did they tell you ?

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Yes. At the time they suggested a HW issue with the LAN adapter. I switched to Wifi. Didn‘t help. And I didn’t follow up further.