I am really curious if I am the only one wit the following short comings from the Homey and thereby far from happy
1.) since version 2 my Homey is many times offline, now days it is a short moment but really annoying during editing a flow. (when 2.0 was introduced it was almost always offline, so there is some progress but still far from stable)
2.) devices not always follow commands, like a flow I have which will switch the garden lights on at sun set.
3.) ==not an issue anymore, I missed the the link, https://flow.homey.app/ is what I was looking for== I really would like an interface we had when it was version 1 (even that one was not perfect), I do not have a clear overview from the flows in the small screen.
4.) many devices are often unreachable, most of the time the Xiomi Aqara but also Osram, Ikea, Coolcam, only the sonoff switches which working through mqtt are always working as far I have seen.
Now is the question if I am the only one which is not really satisfied about Homey which is that expensive and do not deliver what I expected.
The idea behind Homey I really like but it is not working as it should be. I thinking of moving to Home Assistant, not an in a box solution but that one is proven to be stable and also flexible only more complex to setup.
I can understand why there are also people moving from HA to Homey. HA is far from easy setup, without any experience it is hard to start and maintain HA compared to Homey. Also Homey has all the standards in one box which is really nice.
But my feeling is not only for me, most of my colleagues have the same experience like me. I want really that Homey understand the complains and do something with it for the future users.
I had already several times contact with the Homey team to “solve” my issues. My complains are also mentioned to give some feedback from someone who is probably leaving Homey and is open to give some feedback why I did this choice to do this step. I do this to hopefully Athom understand why people are leaving instead of leaving without giving any feedback.
Don’t misunderstood me wrong, I do not want to say it is an awful product, in theory I really like the concept from Homey. Unfortunately it is for me not currently delivering what I expect.
I do not expect a “Feature request for Homey” would be stability, This should be one of the basics where you build afterward the new features requests on…