Does migration from early Homey Pro to Homey2023 work well?

Hi all!
I have tried to understand whether migration from previous Homey Pro to Homey 2023 works well or not.
Some reports issues with z-wave not working after a while, some that repairing zigbee does not work.

I guess there are lots of people out there wanting to migrate, please give us your experiences.

What went well and what didn’t.
Did a second migration help?

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I migrated in an early phase in May this year.
Everything worked perfectly fine, I only had to fix my Zigbee devices.
I am not affected by any of the problems that are being reported at the moment.
My smart home is very large and currently has almost 300 devices.


Then what should we advise? :man_shrugging:t3:

Personally, I would advise against it at the moment, because I can’t repair my Zigbee devices. Others have problems with too much Z-Wave traffic. They would also advise against it.

The only thing you can do is try it out. If you are using Z-Wave devices I would recommend to watch Homey for 1-3 days after migration and not repair the Zigbee devices yet (if you can do without it until then). If after 1-3 days Z-Wave works without problems, then you can repair the Zigbee devices. If that also works without problems, then you can open a bottle of beer and enjoy the HP23.
If there are problems and you haven’t fixed the Zigbee devices yet, you can switch back to the HP19.
So give it a try and keep us posted. :wink: