I will forward the report, all the returned json messages should be in the log.
@BartOverdevest , @RonnyW and I have probably found the issue, it’s an error in the Tuya library, we found a potential fix. But we have to think how to test this.
@RonnyW and @BartOverdevest, there is new version to test if it’s working now.
I removed the thermostat which was not working and re-installed it.
It is working as expected with an actual and target temperature.
@Jurgen_Heine , thanks for this!
Now it would be nice to get the Mode and Working Status reflected on the device.
Strange that Tuya Cloud has this available in the API for heater and not for thermostat…
Tuya has such “modes” in their app, but inside the Api that are often just scenes.
Please check if you can select this mode as scene in the app THEN flow card. For my heater that’s similar for device dependend modes.
In the Tuya Smart app on my phone I indeed see all the options for the thermostat on the scene tab.
Both to set them via ’ tap-to-run’. option, or have a thermosat change trigger an action (like working status)
I created two tap-to-run and two ’ automations’ (with thermostat working status as a trigger) and now receive message on my phone when it on and off.
I searched the Tuya IOT plaform but cannot find the scenes, itself.
Only this link in the Cloud Service API Reference: Smart Home Scene Linkage-Cloud Services API Reference-Tuya Developer
When i add the Homey Then Flow card for Tuya Cloud i do not see these any scene pop up for the thermostat.
For using the Tuya " Automation" (the trigger) should that work / be catched via Tuya cloud string catching ?
Any other hints?
Don’t know what you mean by ‘scene’ exactly.
When I compare it to a light with mood scenes, I still have to create a tap-to-run scene, to be able to call a mood scene for the light from Homey.
I guess it works in a similar way with a thermostat
Scene is the name of the tab in the Tuya Smart app, it is where you entered the tap-to-run item above.
the same is used in the documentation (see link).
I added two tap-to-run items, But as mentioned these did not yet show up in the then card.
However, just noticed the ’ Reload scenes’. button in the settings pages of the Homey Tuya app, which did the trick.
Is there any way to pick up an ’ automation" or triggers scene? so to ‘see’ and act on these triggers.
or are we are limited to tap-to-run scenes?
Ah, my bad, you seem a guy who knows these things An app restart will also do.
It’s mentioned in post #1 though.
Besides the tap-to-runs, ,you can use raw commands (you can find a link to that post #1 as well)
These are text events sent & received between Homey <> Tuya iot cloud
Maybe your thermostat can send or receive more commands that way.
2 questions.
Is the app still in test version?
When using this way of connecting through Tuya Cloud, can I still use the MCR dedicated android app?
(I am now connected on an special account/mailaccount with our MRC)
Everyone can discover this themselves:
When you’ve followed the link: when the latest version is Test, it will show a orange tag with TEST written on it.
I also wonder why you ask, a test version is not something bad
No clue, probably not, the Homey Tuya Cloud app only works combined with the mobile apps “Tuya Smart” and “Smart Life” as far as I know.
Why did I ask? Because I already checked it and couldn’t find if this was already incorporated in the current release .
Do you know if there is a way to connect the Magnum to the new official Tuya app from Homey? Does anyone already have it connected within the Tuya app so Magnum to Tuya?
When you can add it to the Tuya Smart or Smartlife phone app, you can add it to Homey with the Athom Tuya app.
If it doesn’t appear, you can add it as “unknown device”, to use it with flows, and, request for support here please (instructions are present):
I did using the Tuya app. It shows up as a generic device without any visible information but you can use everything in a flow.
I changed the options of the device first in Tuya Developer website to get all options of the device changeable and working. If you don’t do that your options will be limited.
Example of the current state and codes below. All of these are usable in a flow. You could use it to built a virtual thermostate. I only use it to set the temperatures to the desired states.
The current test version supports thermostats as well (including the Magnum):
Thank you. I replaced my device with the thermostat now.
How can i add Magnum thermostat in Tuya app? If i click heater, it found nothing. Which do i have to choose?
It’s under Thermostat, not under heater.
This device type does not yet exist in the regular version of the Tuya app, only the test version, which can be installed via Tuya App for Homey | Homey