Device request: Magnum Heating MRC wifi Thermostat

When you open the overview page
hit your project.
Then hit ‘Devices’
There you’ll find the device overview.
Then hit ‘debug device’ on the right
Search for your thermostat
When selected, in the right pane you’ll see “Device Information”
Ronny needs the Product category (most obvious to me :wink: )

This is of my IR blaster LED remote, category is qt

Screenshot from 2022-10-03 19-59-40

And this is from a curtain motor, cl

Screenshot from 2022-10-03 19-59-13

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@RonnyW its a “wk”

Device Information

Product Name


Device ID


Product Category


Device Status


Activated At

2022-09-22 08:47:39


In the flow you generated i added a task to write the messages from Tuya to the timeline off the homey. I receive no Mode commands. Only temp_set and temp_current commands

I have two Magnum MRC thermostats, so very interested to get these into my extended Homey enviroment.
I loaded your TEF (thanks for this), but it didn’t make the connect with the adv virtual device, so had to rebuild this.

I could get the temperature / set temperature to work with 3 changes

  • for current temperature the logic block was changed to contain only “current”
  • for set temperature , to contain only “set”
  • the value for both ia to be divided by 10 (175 → 17.5 degC), so i changed the AVD block for one that allows an expression.

The true/false at the bottom of the advanced flow, i think is connected to “factory_reset”
So i think this does not add value to include.

I put a log on the numerical and text tuya cloud messaging and saw they are identical.
Is that to be expected?

As mentioned above by @Witteflits , i see no Mode or Working Status info coming though in the Tuya Text messages.
while in Tuya clould Device Logs I do see the mode changes.

Could there be a bug in the Tuya app whereby the text message is also giving the numerical message, instead of the expected string value for like Mode / Working Status.

Can you add the device as heater?
If not, please check the device details on Tuya iot page.
Search for the device type. Should be a 2 or 3 character ID.
And the state details (a JSON with the states and possible values).

The factor x10 is caused by the API. It sends all values as integer. The device details will have a scale=1 setting what means a decimal shift of one plase (x10^1)

No, i have tried, when adding a heating device my thermostats do not show up.

Device details are similar as stated above:
Nowhere do I see a 2 or 3 digit number and i checked a lot of screens.
or is it “wk” or product Name: “MRC”

Device Information

Product Name. MRC
Device ID. 14636176e8db85b77d56
Product Category. wk

Standard Status Set

Code Type Values
temp_set Integer
“unit”: “℃”,
“min”: 50,
“max”: 400,
“scale”: 1,
“step”: 5
temp_set_f Integer
“unit”: “℉”,
“min”: 410,
“max”: 1040,
“scale”: 1,
“step”: 10
temp_current Integer
“unit”: “℃”,
“min”: 0,
“max”: 450,
“scale”: 1,
“step”: 5
temp_current_f Integer
“unit”: “℉”,
“min”: 320,
“max”: 1130,
“scale”: 1,
“step”: 10

Standard Instruction Set

Code Type Values
temp_set Integer { “unit”: “℃”, “min”: 50, “max”: 400, “scale”: 1, “step”: 5 }
temp_set_f Integer { “unit”: “℉”, “min”: 410, “max”: 1040, “scale”: 1, “step”: 10 }
factory_reset Boolean “{true,false}”

wk seems to be the product type.
I’ll check later what is set in the app for the heater.
Is this a heater or thermostat?

I added the device to Tuya Smart as a Thermostat (WiFi).
should i try to add it as a heater?

In Tuya Smart i get the same interface as I when i used the Magnum app.
which I like.


wk is device type “thermostat”. That’s added already. Have you installed the current app version? Then you should be able to select a thermostat in device selection.

For me it only shows 10 tiles when adding a new device on Tuya Cloud.
My Apps update automatically, so i assume it is recent. I am on v1.1.12
The same version is indicated on Tuya cloud App voor Homey | Homey

I see an experimental tag on your screen, so you must be on a fork/ or test version?

Just add /test to the url, to install the test version of an app (when a test version is available ofc.)
You’ll see 11 supported devices, so that must be the issue I guess.

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Hi, like Peter said, it’s still a test version.
You can install it. Wth the /test added to the URL or opening the changlog in the app store page and clicking on “test”.

If this is wirking for you, please give a short feedback, so Jurgen can relese it at stable version. Thanks.

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Thanks Peter / Ronny
Didn’t know that was possible, but does not seem to be working for me. :frowning:

Installing it, made no change to existing install.
Removing Tuya Cloud, makes no change. The test version is promissed to be installed, but nothing happens.

Is there a setting i need to change or other pre-requisite?

No, when the testversion ist installed (in background) you should have the thermostat in pairing dialog.
You can check your installes version in settings/apps.

Detailled questions about Tuya app itself you can ask here at the app topic.

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This is how i see it is not being installed…

when i installed the regular version it shows up in the app list in 5 seconds

i’ll put a post in the app topic.

Nice! Didn’t know that way yet, saves me a lot of url editing :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:


After intervention by @Jurgen_Heine I was able to install the test version.
Found a bug, could be it is caused from my side, but i do not understand how

I have two Magnum MRC underfloor heating Thermostats. Both are shown when adding thermostat device. I added both in one go, deleted them and added them 1 by one, with the same (disappointing) result.

Thermostat No 1 (1st floor) works as intended, Actual temperature and Target temperature track the values shown in Tuya Smart app.

Thermostat no 2 (2nd floor) only shows the Actual temperature.
[BUG] So Target Temperature is missing on this thermostat.
Also, after removing both devices and just installing no 2, I get the same result.

I have a Simple Log card connected to the Tuya Cloud Messaging card for String and Numerical. It shows that target temperature for both thermostats is being communicated.

On there is no observable difference between the thermostats status and logs other than expected based on ‘advanced setting differences’ (eg steps of 0,1degC vs 0,5 degC).

I synchronized all settings between the two (both 0,5degC, sensor type, calibration)
But with no impact.

The three temperatures for the two thermostats are available in Insights, can be trended (so also here the target temperature for no 2 thermostat is missing).
I can search for badkamer and they pop up.

I removed Tuya Cloud, re-installed the test version, now both devices do not show the target temperature.
:frowning: :frowning: (i’ll keep trying)
edit : after a 2nd reinstall, the behaviour is again 1 working as intended, 1 missing Target Temperature

edit: removed the remark on the bug on Insights missing Device name, seems to be ok now.

Thermostat 1: Working as intended

Thermostat 2: Target Temperature missing

The target temperature is added to the device is the Tuya device has the function “temp_set”.
Please can you post the JSON of your device details (state and function) from Tuya project? Thanks.

I found the API explorer under Cloud on, a lot of different JSON can be created here.
This JSON is the “specification and properties”

Device 1: 1st floor, working as expected (5 out of 6 times)

  "result": {
    "category": "wk",
    "functions": [
        "code": "temp_set",
        "desc": "{\"unit\":\"℃\",\"min\":50,\"max\":400,\"scale\":1,\"step\":5}",
        "name": "温度设置",
        "type": "Integer",
        "values": "{\"unit\":\"℃\",\"min\":50,\"max\":400,\"scale\":1,\"step\":5}"
        "code": "temp_set_f",
        "desc": "{\"unit\":\"℉\",\"min\":410,\"max\":1040,\"scale\":1,\"step\":10}",
        "name": "目标温度_F",
        "type": "Integer",
        "values": "{\"unit\":\"℉\",\"min\":410,\"max\":1040,\"scale\":1,\"step\":10}"
        "code": "factory_reset",
        "desc": "{}",
        "name": "恢复出厂设置",
        "type": "Boolean",
        "values": "{}"
    "status": [
        "code": "temp_set",
        "name": "温度设置",
        "type": "Integer",
        "values": "{\"unit\":\"℃\",\"min\":50,\"max\":400,\"scale\":1,\"step\":5}"
        "code": "temp_set_f",
        "name": "目标温度_F",
        "type": "Integer",
        "values": "{\"unit\":\"℉\",\"min\":410,\"max\":1040,\"scale\":1,\"step\":10}"
        "code": "temp_current",
        "name": "当前温度",
        "type": "Integer",
        "values": "{\"unit\":\"℃\",\"min\":0,\"max\":450,\"scale\":1,\"step\":5}"
        "code": "temp_current_f",
        "name": "当前温度_F",
        "type": "Integer",
        "values": "{\"unit\":\"℉\",\"min\":320,\"max\":1130,\"scale\":1,\"step\":10}"
  "success": true,
  "t": 1667804771835,
  "tid": "a9450c445e6a11ed8a41fe1b67a66e75"

Device 2: 2nd floor, device only shows actuals (6 out of 6 times)

  "result": {
    "category": "wk",
    "functions": [
        "code": "temp_set",
        "desc": "{\"unit\":\"℃\",\"min\":50,\"max\":400,\"scale\":1,\"step\":5}",
        "name": "温度设置",
        "type": "Integer",
        "values": "{\"unit\":\"℃\",\"min\":50,\"max\":400,\"scale\":1,\"step\":5}"
        "code": "temp_set_f",
        "desc": "{\"unit\":\"℉\",\"min\":410,\"max\":1040,\"scale\":1,\"step\":10}",
        "name": "目标温度_F",
        "type": "Integer",
        "values": "{\"unit\":\"℉\",\"min\":410,\"max\":1040,\"scale\":1,\"step\":10}"
        "code": "factory_reset",
        "desc": "{}",
        "name": "恢复出厂设置",
        "type": "Boolean",
        "values": "{}"
    "status": [
        "code": "temp_set",
        "name": "温度设置",
        "type": "Integer",
        "values": "{\"unit\":\"℃\",\"min\":50,\"max\":400,\"scale\":1,\"step\":5}"
        "code": "temp_set_f",
        "name": "目标温度_F",
        "type": "Integer",
        "values": "{\"unit\":\"℉\",\"min\":410,\"max\":1040,\"scale\":1,\"step\":10}"
        "code": "temp_current",
        "name": "当前温度",
        "type": "Integer",
        "values": "{\"unit\":\"℃\",\"min\":0,\"max\":450,\"scale\":1,\"step\":5}"
        "code": "temp_current_f",
        "name": "当前温度_F",
        "type": "Integer",
        "values": "{\"unit\":\"℉\",\"min\":320,\"max\":1130,\"scale\":1,\"step\":10}"
  "success": true,
  "t": 1667803127768,
  "tid": "d553e01b5e6611edb43ae68f1605df98"

Seems to be ok and identical. I have no idea what could be a difference.
Can you please delete the broken thermostat and add again. Then create a diagnostics report in app settings.

@Jurgen_Heine Please forward the report. I want to check the device details in pairing dialog. They should be logged (I hope including all arrays). Thanks.

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