Device request: Magnum Heating MRC wifi Thermostat

After intervention by @Jurgen_Heine I was able to install the test version.
Found a bug, could be it is caused from my side, but i do not understand how

I have two Magnum MRC underfloor heating Thermostats. Both are shown when adding thermostat device. I added both in one go, deleted them and added them 1 by one, with the same (disappointing) result.

Thermostat No 1 (1st floor) works as intended, Actual temperature and Target temperature track the values shown in Tuya Smart app.

Thermostat no 2 (2nd floor) only shows the Actual temperature.
[BUG] So Target Temperature is missing on this thermostat.
Also, after removing both devices and just installing no 2, I get the same result.

I have a Simple Log card connected to the Tuya Cloud Messaging card for String and Numerical. It shows that target temperature for both thermostats is being communicated.

On there is no observable difference between the thermostats status and logs other than expected based on ‘advanced setting differences’ (eg steps of 0,1degC vs 0,5 degC).

I synchronized all settings between the two (both 0,5degC, sensor type, calibration)
But with no impact.

The three temperatures for the two thermostats are available in Insights, can be trended (so also here the target temperature for no 2 thermostat is missing).
I can search for badkamer and they pop up.

I removed Tuya Cloud, re-installed the test version, now both devices do not show the target temperature.
:frowning: :frowning: (i’ll keep trying)
edit : after a 2nd reinstall, the behaviour is again 1 working as intended, 1 missing Target Temperature

edit: removed the remark on the bug on Insights missing Device name, seems to be ok now.

Thermostat 1: Working as intended

Thermostat 2: Target Temperature missing