Delayed push message in flow


I try to create an advanced flow that results in a push message. Since I don’t want any messages being sent to me during the night I want to delay the push until a specified time if the flow runs at night time.

I would be grateful for help.

Some thoughts:

  • Store the message text in a variable. Use the Chronograph app to initiate a timer for the duration between now and the time you want the message to be send. Create a seperate flow that is triggered when the timer ends and sends the push notification based on the text in the variable; Or,
  • Store the message text in variable. Create an additional Yes/No-variable that indicates whether the message has been sent. When the event occurs and it is a time window in which messages may be send, then directly send the notification and set the Yes/No variable to Yes. Otherwise (time window is not ok), save the message text in the message variable and set the Yes/No flag to No. Next create a separate flow that periodically checks whether you have reached the appropriate time window for sending messages and the Yes/No flag is set to No. Then create a push notification based on the message variable and set the Yes/No variable to Yes.

Note that you need to ensure that the message variable is not changes by other flows when it is input for a pending notification to be send.

or in stead of chrono, you can use timey:

and use a flexible or preset time

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Isn’t there anyway to set a exact time for an event to happened?

WHEN time is 08:00
AND var_message is TRUE
THEN sendmessage var_message_text
     set var_message to FALSE

Tanks, I’m sure that’s a way to do it but I’m not familiar with scripts so I don’t understand it completely.
Is there a way to do it in advanced flow?

When you don’t want to receive push messages @ night, they’re not critical I suppose.
For those messages I use the Simple Log app.
Just a suggestion.

It is not a script but just a description of logic which can be easy realized in a standard flow in a similar way using WHEN, AND and THEN cards.
var_message is a Boolean variable which is set to true when a message shall be send, var_messagetext is a text variable which contains the text to be send.
Both variables shall be set in a flow when something (you did not describe) happens.
Just look up the corresponding cards in advanced flows. Standard flows and advanced flows are just a different presentation of the same logic flow.

Just as an illustrative example (sorry for the Dutch elements, so I added some notes):