i have been playing with both the homey and ihost from sonoff.
Its a bit disappointing that homey does not have a nice customizable dashbaord like the ihost.
the ihost dashbaords are very nice and easy to setup and are all web based.
If only homey could look beyond device control and have a web based dashbaord that can be used on tablets and phones.
I have a POE android tablet (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006704760467.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.4a6b1802LU2REB) that i would like to put in each room so the user can control devices in that room via a room dashbaord for eg: lights, heater/cooler temp etc…
I would suggest Homey look at the ihost dashbaord. if they implemented something like that then they would be on a winner.
Not all people want to control devices via a physical button and its a pain if i want to turn the lights off in one room from another room for eg.