Daikin ONECTA - no AND card for outside temperature?

Hi, for intermediate temperatures (spring, fall) I do not need the full capacity of my Daikin heat pump and so I am trying to reduce costs by making the on/off control dependant on dynamic electricity price (Tibber), with the outside temperature from the external Daikin unit as a secondary condition.
However, for Daikin ONECTA external temperature is only available as a WHEN-card.

Here my questions: Do connectors to other heat pump brands provide outside temperature as an AND-card?
Is there somewhere an overview of currently supported cards with all connectors?

Almost no app provides specific AND cards for this because these values are typically available as a tag and you can use the Logic comparison cards, as explained here.


Bedankt, Robert, I have got a flow running that does what I need.
In hindsight, what may have raised wrong expectations is the fact that for some interfaces such AND-cards do exist - I had been training my expectation on Tibber. So I guess that is an ‘convenience case’.
But I am most grateful that Homey exists and hope it will continue to prosper and expand. Groeten, Christian