Connecting Homey Pro to mobile wifi ZTE


I am using ZTE 4G mobile Wifi permanently as WIFI on my cabin. Now I have purchased Homey Pro, but the Homey Pro unit does not connect to the ZTE unit.

I have tried to write in the SSID and the password of the ZTE unit on the Homey unit, but Homey is unable to connect with the WIFI, even though I have tried many times. The Homey unit states every time that the ZTE passsord is wrong, and I am sure that is not the issue here.

Any thougts on what could be the problem?

Best regards

Pause your 5 Ghz wifi and try again.


I restarted the ZTE router. And when it was up and running again (and available on my iPhone) I tried to connect the Homey pro unit to the ZTE router.

But it did not work, once again the Homey asked about whether the right pasword was used (I am confident about using the right password). :anguished:

Any new ideas?


Use short(-ish) passwords without funny characters in them.