Community Backup & Restore for Homey v2 and Up! [Alpha Version]

Since v2 Athom verifies all input on Homey. What I restore is what I backup so chances of corruption are almost nul.
Guess same risk as that an Athom developer breaks something in the configuration due to bugs in the app.

And correct worst case is you need a factory reset if something goes wrong.

Oky Dijker, that sounds great, thanks :slight_smile:

I too tried to restore from a dead Homey 2018 model (backup from late 2019) to a new Homey Pro, but was only able to restore the Folders and Logic.

Does anyone know if the the devices can be added somehow via from details in the json files?

(That would allow me to avoid having to tear the house apart to get to all the relays in walls, etc.)

Hi @Dijker ,
Is community backup capable to store and retrieve advanced flows?

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Nop, not yet,
Store will probably not the most complex but restore is, like restoring the standaard Flows,
Specially when Devices have been removed / recreated.

For me downloading a backup of all config, including adv flows, would be enough.
I use the backuped json files to search for where e.g. variables or flows are used.
Is there a way to download all config already?

Not sure if you look for this, but for AdvFlow you can use this command here:

Thanks, looks exactly what I was looking for.

Maybe I can get all info using the web API; standard flows, variable names, etc. Then I do not need the “Backup and restore” at all, as I will not use it fore restore, only to go analyse my config.
Will dive into this.

Yes, didn’t think of it before :wink:
The “geeky one liners” are a nice start Developer Web API Playground - Notes of geeky oneliners - #8 by tb1962

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The “Web API for developer” is terrible slow when e.g. fetching all devices, or should I say the browser is very slow in handling the result.
Is there another way to do this?
I would like to fetch the flows, devices, variables, etc and put them in some file on my PC.
Is it possible to do this via node.js and the SDK?
Homeyscript and webhook (maybe too much info for a GET?)?
SSH login and issuing the comands?


Not without using the Web API.

Homey isn’t open, you’re stuck with the Web API.

I never really checked, but getting all devices on my Homey is extremely unstable: sometimes it takes 85ms, sometimes 950ms. And that’s on a Homey that only has 20 devices and basically does nothing :dizzy_face:

I used this code in the Web API Playground:

void async function() {
  const devices = await Homey.devices.getDevices();

Ok, thanks for your clarification.
Do you also experience that the browser hangs for a very long time before showing all devices?

Not really, but I only have 20 devices.

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Hello I have sucided to do a backup (at least got a zip with json with my stuff in).
But when I tried to remove a zon and change a flow and then read in the stored file market sepretly the zon and tried to restore and the flow the vchanges does´t come back?
Do I need to restart?
the warning of that it don´t work on 2.0 and click to confirm is not disepering if that could be the problem. have a homey early 2018 and run it on crome browser

Hi @Dijker is still someone using it ? I’m, as kind of backup of the backup :slight_smile: , recently realized that possible backups got somehow truncated on HP2023 - eg. some advanced flows are missing.

update nevermind, seems it’s broken completely as it loads indefinitely for me…


I think it’s the same issue as with the the Comm. app store: you can login using Homey CLI afaik. And the CLI has been updated/changed by Athom, so login = impossible

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I have the same loading indefinitely problem on Homey 2019, the last time I used it was on 2 april 2023.

Directs me to Homey CLI OLD


It’s called Homey CLI Old because