Homey Cloud Backup vs HCB&RWA

Comparing the new released Homey Cloud Backup against my unfinished hobby project.

To give you an idea how both backup options differ and what the intended use is.
Imho everyone dependent on a Homey needs the Homey+ subscription but think for the geeks HCB&RWA can be a nice addition.


Just let me know if you think I should continue development and add extra functionality or that it is not necessary anymore and I should spend my time for other things.

Homey Community Backup & Restore Web App (HCB&RWA).


Is it correct that the Homey back-up not back-up the logica in the more section?
As mentioned in your overview.?
Or Logics as you mentioned is something different?

Not sure where you exact point to :thinking:

You can see the Athom Backup/Restore as almost 100%
(only except the Reinstall of the newest apps from the store and no Backup/Restore of CLI installed apps.)

If you meant this. (Click the image te view online :wink: )

If you Remove one or more objects (Alarms, Logics, Flows etc) from Homey and want to restore just that ones or couple of objects Community Backup & Restore for Homey v2 and Up! [Alpha Version] is probably a better solution as you can restore these individually.

Thanks for your answer.
It helps you mentioned it back-ups about 100%.
I did translate individual the wrong way. You ment a individual logic or alarm separated from the total is not possible

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I think you have done an amazing job and helped a lot of users here… Probably the best you ever could, without having the resources that Athom have.
It made clear how necessery a backup and restore functionality is.

Now that the “official” backup and restore is here from Athom itself, I think we would be so glad if you would develop other great apps for Homey. The ones which are not there yet.
I would be thankful, I think a lot of users would too!
Keep up the good work and thanks again!