Changes to ASEKO Pool Live and API that will affect the app

ASEKO Announcement Changes to “Pool Live” and “Pool Remote”
Aseko Asin

Dear fellow users of the Aseko Pool Dosing System and Homey! And the great creator of the Homey App @Martin_Verbeek (Thanks by the way for creating this app for us.)

How will ASEKOS changes affect our Smart Home Apps when changes are made to their API, Web Interface and Apps?

In their message:
"We are pleased to inform you that during the week of September 10th to 15th, 2024, we will be releasing significant updates to the Aseko POOL Live and Aseko POOL Remote apps. These updates are essential for the continued use of ASEKO applications. **Without installing them, the apps will no longer be functional.

We will notify you by email on the day the updates are released on the App Store and Google Play."
end of message

The engineering of the Aseko system seem to be changing totally meaning there might be issues with all non official created developments. The only way that have helped us smarthome users to integrate the Aseko sensors into our main platforms.
If there will be an easy way to change, upgrade the current app and get the sensor data is hard to say until we know what they’ve done… And it will be incredible sad if there isn’t a way to continue using this function.

Other fellows in the smart home world and community have contacted Aseko to get more information…
The answer:

  • “Unfortunately, the integration for smart home is not yet integrated. And the api end point which was previously used for open source integration will stop working.However, we will open an API endpoint for this propose and it should be available in the beginning of next year.”
    end of message

? Was there an open source integration? I did not know there was one! There is no documentation available, no guidelines on how to find out how to use this open source integration… strange. hmm

Great to hear that there will be an API endpoint… however it’s severals month away and they don’t seem to understand how important the smarthome community is. It doesn’t seem to be a priority.

Is there a way for us to put pressure on by creating a list with signed names from users telling them “we are important”? How many users of the app?

Would be good to get your opinions please

The Homey app is based on the browser app, no mentioning of that part will stop working.

Thanks for your reply. @Martin_Verbeek
I hope you’re right!. That would be great. Have a good weekend.

Hi, I have just installed a Aseko Asin Aqua Net, due to looking forward to the Homey integration. :slight_smile: I got the Homey integration to work a few days ago, turned off the unit for a while to manually prep chlor in the pool. Today (11th) when trying to get it back up again it did not work with Homey (the Pool live web and app are both working). Uninstalling and trying again I get “New devices found” when adding device and logging on, though no device is shown and I get “Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘items’)”. Any clues if this is due to the announced changes or is the integration working elsewhere? @Martin_Verbeek @Per_N1

Hi @Digitalious. My understanding has been, and still is, that Aseko have worked on an upgrade to improve their infrastructure with cloud based system. Meaning I think they have “killed off” the old and upgraded to something completely new. So non of the older non-official developed apps or integrations no longer works as they communicate with the older setup that don’t work in the same way as the new services.
The same has happened to Home Assistant and other non official softwares created in Python.

I had enough. I am totally against that customers should be forced to use cloud services to use their products. And the fact that they don’t priorities the updates of the Developers APIs used by smart home environments is really bad.
I have decided to go 100% local and killed off the data being sent to their cloud services. All data is now sent to my local server and I’ve figured out the data stream and parsed the most important sensors at first.

I am sorry that I wound be able to help with the app in Homey. I don’t have the knowledge. So I guess you have to forward a note to the creators of the app and hope they are willing to fix them…
Not a great day in the smart homes with Aseko produkts I’m afraid. If you’re not willing to wait until next year.

Best Regards

Will check shortly what is happening, the web app still seems tonwork. Sonshould be abke to get it from there.

The app has stopped working. The temperature reading is the same since the update went live.

Aseko implemented complete new API using GraphQL. First attempts to make it work again are looking good, but needs a lot of work to make it live again. Will keep u posted.

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