Niko Zigbee

Hello, does anyone know if the new Niko home control zigbee devices (switches, socket, movement sensor) listed here work with Homey (without the Niko hub)?
They marked these devices as Zigbee

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Hi AyrtoN,

I am interested in buying a Homey + a Niko zigbee setup to blend in the existing switch setup. But before I do, I want to make sure this works.

I see you built an app for this. Could your app control everything as expected? And what are your experiences with it?

Thanks in advance!

Hello Matthias the app I wrote only works with the (old) NHC controller V1. I don’t own any Niko zigbee devices. I have no idea if it works with honey I’m afraid

Thanks for your answer.

Niko made their API public recently:

Their new Hub has a Zigbee communication protocol:

I wonder if it could be possible to communicate with Homey then. I guess a Niko Home Touchscreen would be needed to request the API. Thoughts?

It would be great if they made their switches and stuff for the Home Control available wireless directly to Homey… But then they probably would sell less (very expensive) Home Control controllers

I guess you’ll always need to have the hub (175€) or the touchscreen (up to €900). But than again, I still would be able to control my expensive Niko installation with Homey. I’m in touch with Niko, I’ll keep you posted.

Well the Niko switch sort of work via Homey. Got it today and if you got the Hue-app installed in Homey, I believe I chose the “Hue Tap” and started to search for controllers. Niko was found as a “Friend of Hue”-controller. Not got the chance of trying it out in flows just yet though.

Yeah, you’ll have the Frieds of Hue switch probably?

By the way, if you have the Niko smart hub, there is an API which can send MQTT or JSON commands to the Niko Home Control installation.
My electrician will install a Niko Home Control installation, but I will try to make a plugin for this as I want to make it work. But it will be a project for the long run.

Looking forward to here some more about how your home controller will integrate with homey… :raised_hands:t4:

The installation is planned this summer, so I haven’t the Niko Home Control yet to work with it.

Hello any update yet to use The niko zigbee socket of Switches?

i tried 1 device and can add it as a basic zigbee device where on and off seem to work fine ( used the osram app and selected socket )

Just installed the NHC 2 wireless hub and 1 connected switch, but no luck with the hue workaround. Any idea what I can do to get the NHC2 controller to be visible for homey?

You should add the (Zigbee) devices directly to Homey.

Hi @DidierVU, were you able to actually test this with the Zigbee switches / dimmers from the Niko Connected Series for traditional wiring ?
Also on the fence on installing this in our home and would like to get confirmation before wiring in 10+ of these devices into the walls. :wink:

Hi @KHerman, didn’t install this in my house (yet). The switches were already in place so I’ve put Fibaro Dimmers/Switches behind them… Probably will try it some day but not on short notice :sweat_smile:

I like the idea of having zigbee supported devices with standard niko switches, but i wonder if the cost for one connected single switch (€50+) is worth it, instead of having a niko push button for €5 and a shelly or sonoff zigbee module.
Rebuilding our new house atm and I don’t see myself replacing all 26 switchs with niko ones if i can achieve the exact same with a normal switch and wifi/zigbee modules for about 1k less.
Correct me if i’m wrong though :slight_smile:

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Totally agree. But the Niko Zigbee switches are wireless so they can be installed anywhere without having to break the wall open.

Yes there is an app!!!

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I’m curious if you can control the light diode on the wireless switches with a flow.