Cant add zigbee devices

Zigbee & WiFi & Bluetooth

These protocols use the same frequency ranges and can interfere with each other.
The WiFi and zigbee channel numbers do not match, so it is important to pay attention to which channel numbers you use.
The WiFi signal is much stronger than zigbee.
If Bluetooth reception is very poor, you can try changing your WiFi channel.

Also make sure your Hue zigbee channel is different from Homey zigbee.
Both should not be interfered by your 2,4GHz Wifi frequencies.
Hue zigbee channel is quite easy to change, but make sure all hue bridge paired devices are switched on

Zigbee network and channel no info:

Zigbee & WiFi interference check:


Wi-Fi tips:

Athom zigbee advice:

Athom recommends using no more than 35-40 Zigbee devices. More is possible, but the network becomes more viscous and devices can fail or function less reliably.

(Aqara) lost connection: