[BUG] TP-Link Kasa devices get "rate limited" error every day

For some time now i have an experience with my Kasa-devices (HS100).

Each night at approx 23.00 ALL my Kasa-devices becomes unavailable in Homey.

But when this happen the Kasa-devices are still available and operational with the original independent Kasa iOS-app.

In the morning the devices are available so sometime during night the issue disappeared.

Have anyone else experienced the same?

Are you using a Homey Pro or Homey (beta) ?

Homey PRO

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Do you get the ā€˜rate limitedā€™ error (mentioned at the app ratings) when you switch a device on or off after 11:00PM but before 0:00h?
Probably after 0:00h the rate limit gets removed, until you use Kasa devices via Homey more than X times a day.

Please report @ https://support.homey.app/hc/en-us/requests/new

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I also see it at the Homey (beta) with this App and I never switch the socket. only measuring (One HS110).
Also reported this to Athom.
already 2 days in a row I noticed late in the evening. (after ~ 22u30)
in the morning everything is OK,

I will check this evening. But i think i have seen the ā€œrate limitā€-error.

But it is anyway unpexted with a ā€œrate limitā€

All Homey does with Kasa during a day is to once turn them on at sunset and once switch them off at 23.00.

Seems strange that kind of limited usage (as i see it) would cause a ā€œrate limitā€ issue.

Or is it that ALL Homey users in combination cause a ā€œrate limitā€-issue? It is not my own specific usage causing it?

Well I hope not!

Does a HS100 also have a metering function? Then see below :point_down:

I suspect the metering socket sends lots of web requests.
Maybe Kasa can raise the limit, but that"ll have to be requested by Athom probably.

HS100 has no metering-function. Only power On/Off.

Now it is confirmed that it is the error ā€œRate limitā€ that is causing that Kasa-devices are unavailable.

The only thing i know i have done by myself on the Kasas is turn them on at sunset.

So it must be Homey or Kasa-app in Homey that is peforming some extra communication taht causes the rate limit to occur.

Could it be ā€œInsightsā€? Even thogh there is no metering maybe Insights is communcating with the Kasa-devices?

Could you into this discussion paste a link the Athom support request that you raised?

I have exactly the same problemā€¦

A quick work around is to use an IFTTT-flow to an IFTTT-app connected to KASA.
This temporary solution is not optimal, but it works fine.

Look forward to final and correct solution, any one ?

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Rate limit has always been a problem for me with Homey bridge.

I canā€™t even add a single HS100 now. When i get to the page to select the device Iā€™m met with ā€œRate limitedā€ā€¦

Same plug works great through Google Home.

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I have the same issue with my HS100ā€¦

Use the app ā€TP-Link Smart Devicesā€ as an alternative.
No problem hereā€¦.

I am using this app. And just added about 6 TP Link wall switches HS110 and HS120 and they worked for about an hour. Now all and some other TP LINK devices are showing the rate limit error. I do have the same devices in home assistant. But this is crazy.

Itā€™s 1:14 in the afternoon EST here.

I have four TP-Link smart switches. Each day, one or more of these error-out and show a ā€œRate Limitedā€ alert. This prevents Flows from working properly and also prevents me from even being able to use the switches until the alert auto-resolves itself. As far as I can tell, thereā€™s no cause for this other than time. Thereā€™s another thread I found about this, but it started years ago and thereā€™s no resolution. Does anyone have any idea what to do about this? Itā€™s an official Athom app and these switches are all listed as supported, so this is pretty strange.

Pls keep it central, therefore movedā€¦

But Thanks you had a better Title :wink:

[BUG] TP-Link Kasa devices get ā€œrate limitedā€ error every day

I posted a work-around adding my HS110 via the Homey ā€˜Amazon Alexaā€™ app here.

Thanks for this info, but I donā€™t have any Alexa products. Also, this is an official Athom app that has been having this problem for multiple years, judging by the age of this thread. Itā€™s not cool that it hasnā€™t been fixed or even commented on by the Athom team yet. If I had known this was going to be an issue, I wouldnā€™t have invested in TP-Link switches. I only chose these because they have full support in this official app! Now I feel duped.

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I already had one before the official app,
used it with this TP-Link KASA LAN App for Homey | Homey Local Access from Homey
on my First Homey ( since ~ 2016 ? ) when Homey needed a PtP (Using the Kasa App ).
(Many times in the first two yearsā€¦)
It is still there, but almost never use it.