Best solution for Smart Lock with multi-point lock?

I am looking for the best solution for a Smart Lock, working great with my Homey Pro.

My needs:

  • Can be opened with Apple Watch (widget but also using the bluetooth of the watch)
  • Works with a multi-point lock which is locked via the door handle (moving up = locked)
  • It’s a garage-door. I would like, possibly with a flow, autolock the door after being opened. My children always forget to lock the door :slight_smile:

I am looking at the Bold lock, but the integration with Homey seems not great. The mechanical up/down with the door handle seems to work but not unlocking when an Apple watch comes close.

Do you know better alternatives? Thanks for sharing!

Might be worth checking out the Switchbot lock it it fits your door…

The description page features unlocking with Apple watch.

I don’t have one, but I have several other SB products and integration with Homey via the Swichbot app works well. The app has cards specific to the lock.


Nuki 4.0 Pro has all features you need, even without need of pairing it with Homey. All features are built-in. But if you need, it flawlessly integrates through Thread after latest Homey update.
You can verify compatibility with your current lock/door:

Probably Nuki 4.0 (non-pro) version will also meet your needs.