Aren't there airconditioning (airco or AC) devices/apps in Homey?

With the NetScan app, you can check an IP address from Homey, with or without specifying a portnumber.
Works like a charm.

Thanks for your help. We solved this issue by turning off “Wireless isolation” in our router. This feature prevents wifi devices on the same network to communicate with each other which caused this problem.

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I have a question about the installing CLI with GitHub. All the steps went well in the command prompt step. But in the last step it keeps saying ‘homey offline’ . The step for logging in on homey all went well. I am using ‘Terminal’ instead of command prompt, because i have a macbook.
Anybody who can help me wit this and knows what the problem might be? Thank you!

What does this command return when you run it from Terminal?


Also, perhaps make a separate (new) thread for your issue, it’s not directly related to the current thread.

Thanks for the quick reaction, this is the respond:
Host not found: 2(SERVFAIL)

Than that’s probably the problem, that hostname should resolve to “”. However, there is a security feature in your internet router (or local DNS server) to prevent so-called “DNS rebinding attacks”, which—when turned on—will not allow external hostname to resolve to internal IP-addresses.

Hi Undertaker, can you explain how this switchbot hub works? Sounds interesting. So the hub sniffs your remote signals and replicates those. Since the hub is on wifi you can connect it with homey and controle the airco through homey? Did I get this right?

What products from switchbot would I need exactly? Only the hub? And is it one hub per indoor airco unit? I assume that the hub needs to be in direct proximity of the unit to be able to send signals?

Everything correctly recognised.
The Switchbot Hub can learn the signals from the air conditioner’s remote control.
You only need one hub. It must be in line of sight with the respective air conditioner.