Are Airthings readings still working for others?

Since Monday morning around 07:10 all of my Airthings devices seem to have stopped syncing with Homey. The devices work fine, I can see the readings in the Airthings mobile app and But they are flatlined on Homey. I’ve sent a request to the dev, but wanted to check if I’m the only one with a problem. I vave tried restarting the AIrthings app in Homey, the Homey itself, and “repairing” a device, with no luck.

Can anyone confirm that readings from the Airthings app work on their device?

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I’m seeing the same. Updates in Homey stopped yesterday. The Airthings-app shows the current data.
Restarting and repairing/authorising didn’t do anything.

Great, thanks. I’ll post here if I get a response from Airthings!

Same here, stopped working, even re-adding the device in airthings has not changed a thing.

Same for me. Got an confirmation from Airthings Homey Support that it is an issue at Airthings them self’s.

Same here. No Sensor data since 17.03

Yeah, same here too, it stopped working March 17’th @ around 08:00 CET. Hope they fix the issue soon. I have also reported it.

I got a response now from the developer:

“Thank you for your message. The app is not updating anymore due to a bug from Airthings itself. We have notified them and ask them to fix it. When we know more, we will let you about this.”

Well, we can only hope that they (Airthings) have given this issue proper attention, and that they fix it soon.

Hehe, interesting. As the developer seemingly is Airthings themselves…

Nope, it’s They also maintain the Shelly app to name one.
Take a look at the support links at the app page @ app store for example :wink:

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I also contacted the Airthings Product Marketing Manager (Erica Karlsen), and described the issue. Here is her response:

Thank you Yngve,
I was not aware of the issue with Homey but will chase this down in our support and technical teams and hopefully we can find out why this changed so we can restore the service.
Kind regards,


Just received a reply from her, this morning @ 10:38 CET:

"Thank you again for reporting the issue to me. It seems our technical team was already aware of it. Service seemed to halt because the rate limit for API calls was met - apparently due to the increase of Homey users with the Airthings integration. So this limit was adjusted and data should be flowing again.
Can you confirm that you are now receiving data in Homey from your View Plus?"

But unfortunately nothing has changed, still straight lines in Insights. I restarted the app, and also the Homey itself.

I reported this back to her and to the developer also.


Same here.

Received this now from Erica at Airthings:

"We are communicating with the Homey team to identify the issue and hope to resolve it soon.
Again, thank you for contacting me about this!"

So, I’m switching myself into “monitoring mode” now regarding this. Hopefully it gets solved soon. :slight_smile:

Got a reply from Erica at Airthings:

“A fix was recently applied, again, to up the rate limit. On our side we are seeing many fewer errors. Can you please check to see if your View Plus information is now flowing to Homey?”

And yes, it works now for me, from around 13:47 CET today. Hopefully for all of you too!

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Perfect – thanks! Got my first readings at 13:45 here!

Me too. Thanks @Yngve_Nystrand