I bought aqara plug H2 EU and I tried to connect it with thread for matter. Impossible, there is not a matter qrcode.
How I can connect it? On the box there is a star to said “ZigBee 3.0 hub required”. This is the solution? If I add this router it will be a border router of my homey pro?
Does the plug can run as a router?
Please help me I don’t understand the homey value in this case.
Meaning, Aqara is fooling you a bit when you don’t read the small prints;
The outlet is only available as Matter device to Homey if paired with the Aqara Hub
Thanks you @DirkG for the welcome message and the rules, I will take care of it.
Thank you @Peter_Kawa for your feedback. Small prints are important in domotic, you are completely right!
Regarding pairing has ZigBee device I don’t understand but it’s only work as an energy meter but not for on/off feature there is a timeout. Also the official aqara qpp don’t support this new device.
I come from domoticz with more than 50 rfxcom devices and when I had an issue I developed but now I’m a bit struggling…
Same here. It is added as generic zigbee device but is not controllable of HP 2023. also no power measuring available. Glad to have the Aqara Hub here.