Aqara E1 Thermostat + Aqara Temperature Sensor

Works like a charm! 100000000 thanks

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Hi. Little update, i see that the command goes very slow and sometimes it fails to update the value at the side of the thermostat (time-out)

What’s strange: if i send a change temperature setting and then a change external sensor value directly after, the thermostat accepts the command nearly instantly.


thanks for the new possibility. i got an issue with it. sometimes it LOST the setting and homey cannot update the external temperature anymore with error that the device is set to internal sensor which is not true !!! i have to reset the E1 to internal and then back to external and then it workd again for some days … seems like a bug…

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is there anything new about the issue that homey “lost” the external setting and cannot write the temperature to the specific device ?

update for today, we had a small power blackout in town (which is unusual) but after homey reboots all of my 6 E1 with the external temperature setting “lost” this setting again.
the setup of the devices RAMAIN in external status but it does not work and the error message of the flow card say: “the sensor type for the thermostat is currently set to internal, please change the device setting first” so i have to set it back to internal and afterwards back to external and then it will work again… very annoying

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Update as of today. The flow card works perfectly, but when the Homey restarts or there is something that causes a disconnect from the thermostat to the Homey, the setting reverts to internal sensor (setting in Homey stays on external but after an interview of the device Internal comes back on).
So can you add a flow card that makes it possible to change (force) the setting to external?

So when the change temp card fails we can add a change setting command?



Exactly what i figured out!

Hello? Does the dev noticed this thread?

You need to use the official app thread for the dev to be notified.
The topic link can be found on the app store app page
Or use the search function with [app] aqara

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Thanks Peter, i put a Message in that Dev Thread ;D i thought it helps here also because the DEV was in this Thread here too…

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