Aqara E1 Thermostat + Aqara Temperature Sensor

Hey there,

I’m using the Aqara Temperature Sensor for a long time now and I’m absolutely happy with it.

On Amazon Prime Day i’ve now bought several Aqara E1 Thermostats and added them to homey without any problem.

I know, that it would be possible to combine the Sensors and the Thermostats to get extern Temperatur values, but found no way to do this in homey.

Do you have any ideas for a work around without using an Aqara HUB?

Would be thankful for any ideas…

Best regard,


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Following this one. I have been trying to find a solution to same problem for a while. No luck.

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Any news on this? I bought homey pro because I saw aqara as an official integration… Would be a shame if this isn’t possible, might be forced to return it.

Why do you think anyone here would care if you return it?
Besides that, which issues did you have when trying to add the thermostat knob? (Did you even try?)
According to the app store it’s supported:

I don’t have an issue with pairing the thermostat… I just am not able to use the external aqara temperature sensor as temperature source for the thermostat