Aqara Cube - Any pairing updates?

No recent posts about the Cube…so…

I have the Aqara Cube. I will not pair. Reading the forums, I jumped through all the hoop suggestions given…to no avail. MANY pairing attempts with all the extras like removing the battery…etc.

I thought it may be the cube. Ordered a second one. Same results. Over and over pairing failures.

I have about 12 Aqara devices installed/paired and all work well.

So…what do I do next? Send back the Cubes and give up on them?

I can install them in the Aqara app and they work perfectly. I can use the sides as an Alexa routine…so they work…but having to keep them outside of Homey Pro is not desireable…is it?



PS. I have been changing over all my Smart devices since I received my Homey Pro and the bridge. Hoping to eliminate a few of the bridges on the network. I have over 80 devices running through my Asus Router/Mesh as it is. Otherwise…going pretty well.

Read the app thread, specifically the latest post.

Therefore Closed, @Jerry_Swanson Pls use Search and use the appropriate topics.