[APP] Yale Home - Home security at your fingertips (EMEIA)

I have Doorman V2N lock and I share same feelings like To_Lou… And lock icon is still not updated in the tile (but this hasn’t newer work at least for me).

I send email to dev… this is his answer:

“Thank you for your email. We have been able to reproduce this issue, but the issue is not with the Homey app itself. We have escalated this issue to another team, hopefully they will be able to solve this issue soon.”

It was before recently updates.

Today I send another mail that those updates changed nothing on my Yale Linus lock.

Minute ago I received answer from dev.

" As mentioned in my previous response the issue is not with the Homey app: the v2 release just coincides with an issue on the cloud side. It has been escalated to another team, unfortunately we will have to wait until they are able to look at this issue. When we expect it to work again, we will let you know."

I received an email from the developer yesterday with an (almost) similar reaction:

Thank you for your email. There is currently a known issue with eventing, which is not related to the Homey app itself. We have escalated this issue to another team, hopefully they will be able to solve this issue soon. Even while Yale Access and Yale Home are no longer part of the same company, the functionality for locks is currently exactly the same.”

So, the app is ok and “the other team” is (hopefully) going to solve it? Hmm, we will have to wait and see. The claim on (yalehome.com): “Talks with Homey” is certainly not true for now. And that is one of the main reasons, why I purchased this lock. To be continued…


Anyone else that has this problem that the Yale locks don’t update what state they’re in?

Yes, same problem here. Lock registers correct state only when used through homey app. When automatic opening is made through Yale app, Homey does not register it at all. So basically, it is useless.

Contacted the developer on Friday, they replied that there is an issue ant that they had to report the issue further to another team.

The problem isn’t in the app but some where in the Yale backend.

Assuming you are talking about the Yale Home app?

They replied the same mail to everyone.

“Thank you for your email. We have been able to reproduce this issue, but the issue is not with the Homey app itself. We have escalated this issue to another team, hopefully they will be able to solve this issue soon.”

Second answer:

“As mentioned in my previous response the issue is not with the Homey app: the v2 release just coincides with an issue on the cloud side. It has been escalated to another team, unfortunately we will have to wait until they are able to look at this issue. When we expect it to work again, we will let you know.”

Is it? I don’t see anything about this issue on the Home Assistant forum, for instance.

Yeah, same thing here!
My flow (when Yale L3 is locked - arm eufy) stopped working for me in the last update worked perfectly pre the update.

Temporary solution for Yale Linus Lock is to add it by Smart Things 2 App. It is working great. It show battery level and status. Also lock icon in Homey changes from opened to closed

If it works through Smarthings one would guess that the problem lies in the Homey App after all? Some reports around at the forum seem to suggest that there are issues in some webhooks or the general Api of Yale, but then the issue should apply in Homey, Smartthings, HA etc. (unless those other hubs use a different approach in communicating with the lock)? Really hope this will be solved soon.

In Smarthings app on android phone it works flawlessly. In Homey with Smarthings 2 app sometimes door status is missing but it works a lot better than Yale Home. I think there is a problem with Homey not Yale.

EDIT: It stopped working flawlessly after some time:( Lock status works ok but open/close alarm and history don’t)

But it started when Yale homey app updated?
I also found a work around, pretty nasty one :rofl:
Added the door in SmartThings.
Connected SmartThings and Homey to IFTTT.
When the door is locked trigger IFTTT to start a flow in homey.
And the same thing for unlock…

It seems to be working again now! Just got a message from the app support that the issue was resolved. I tried and it is working fine again!

Me too

Hi Lukasz,

I just got word that the cloud team released a hotfix meaning that the events should be working again! Can you please verify this for your lock(s)?

I got the same answer and checked it. Just one small glitch left to solve: The “open” state is not updated to Homey after an automatic unlock, see below:

Reaction from the developer:

I just got word that the cloud team released a hotfix meaning that the events should be working again! Can you please verify this for your lock(s)?

And my reply:

"Thanks for your reaction. My observations: It works now for the “locked” and “unlocked” state. But…, the “open” state is not returned to Homey after an automatic unlock. The Yale IOS app shows this correctly. A Homey app restart does not update the state in this case. Only after I close and open the door manually, the “open” state is updated correctly in Homey (as a “door state” alarm). I hope this can be fixed as well.

Hello All. After coming home today, I found out that all was working correctly. I have send the dev a “thank you” mail. As far as I am concerned, the case is closed. I hope your locks are also working correctly now.

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Is the Yale Home app working for you now? Mine doesn’t update every time if I lock/unlock via Homey, it updates the locked/unlocked status sporadically.

Same here. After restarting the Yale Home app in Homey, it usually works fine for a while.