Ah like that! Anyway, still unfortunate we cannot have things in the way we’d prefer
This topic is about the Tuya cloud app not about directly connecting Tuya Zigbee devices to Homey’s Zigbee network and therfore off-topic here.
Beside it is a double post of the Topic you created.
If you want to connect it usig this app you need to connect your device using a Tuya Zigbee hub to the Tuya cloud first.
But note:
Yes, I am sorry for the double post. Yes I want to use my Zigbee device directly ( local ). I will check in the off-topic posts.
Then you should use the Tuya-zigbee app for Homey (by Johann Bendz).
Hello Thunder, but when I push the button on de Tuya Zigbee Power switch, I push it for 5 seconds ( resetting ) then the blue led is flashing quickly, then I can pair the Tuy Zigbee switch with the Homey Pro. This mean Homey does recognise the Tuya Zigbee switch, but I cannot use the digital buton ( in Homey ) to turn the Tuya switch on or off.
In the Tuya-zigbee app in Homey is the Tuya Zigbee Power switch not availabel for selection, so the Tuya app is not an option.
Homey does recognise the Tuya Zigbee switch. When I try to use the digital button, i get a message the button does not support for this device.
I am not using the Tuya app in Homey. I can add the Tuya Zigbee switch directly witch Zigbee option in Homey.
Are you using the latest test version of the Tuya Zigbee app (v0.2.73)?
If not supported by that version, check the first post for requesting support for this device by the Tuya Zigbee app.
I’m trying to connect a smoke sensor but get stuck in Homey with this message.
Sorry, did read the first post. Is there any solution for this?
Adding to this: read the first post of the Tuya Zigbee App thread. There you can read how it might be possible to use/ask for adding your device.
can you help if I try and repair a tuya device i get a message with
'No matching App user information, please re-enter or switch the regional version"
if i try and a new tuya device i get token is expired (1010)
It doesn’t work.
You literally have to delete them, re-add and then do ALL of your automations again.
I’m currently renovating and when I have to turn off the power, I have to re-do all of the 10 Tuya products I currently have.
It’s infuriating.
hello, before the broken tuya app, I had my house doorbell wifi with screen. But now I cant add it to my Homey Pro 23.
Is there any way to add it? I had it at Tuya Smart app but not at HP.
Device information
DeviceId |bff7bae324434cd05fzhf4|
ProductId |dtzziy1e|
Missing additional features like:
- luminance (beam)
- distance.
- Log
Device specification
"device": {
"active_time": 1737732002,
"biz_type": 0,
"category": "hps",
"create_time": 1737732002,
"icon": "smart/icon/bay1646638313646AYzQ/54984f9bf40e9d65d294d7c748a6119a.png",
"id": "bff7bae324434cd05fzhf4",
"ip": "<redacted>",
"lat": "<redacted>",
"local_key": "<redacted>",
"lon": "<redacted>",
"model": "MTG275-ZB-RL",
"name": "Human presence sensor #1",
"node_id": "f84477fffe4c5a7c",
"online": true,
"owner_id": "<redacted>",
"product_id": "dtzziy1e",
"product_name": "Human presence sensor",
"status": [
"code": "presence_state",
"value": "presence"
"code": "sensitivity",
"value": 7
"code": "near_detection",
"value": 60
"code": "far_detection",
"value": 600
"code": "checking_result",
"value": "check_success"
"code": "target_dis_closest",
"value": 63
"sub": true,
"time_zone": "+01:00",
"uid": "<redacted>",
"update_time": 1737732028,
"uuid": "<redacted>"
"specifications": {
"category": "hps",
"functions": [
"code": "sensitivity",
"type": "Integer",
"values": "{\"unit\":\"\",\"min\":1,\"max\":9,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}"
"code": "near_detection",
"type": "Integer",
"values": "{\"unit\":\"m\",\"min\":0,\"max\":1000,\"scale\":2,\"step\":10}"
"code": "far_detection",
"type": "Integer",
"values": "{\"unit\":\"m\",\"min\":150,\"max\":1000,\"scale\":2,\"step\":10}"
"status": [
"code": "presence_state",
"type": "Enum",
"values": "{\"range\":[\"none\",\"presence\"]}"
"code": "sensitivity",
"type": "Integer",
"values": "{\"unit\":\"\",\"min\":1,\"max\":9,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}"
"code": "near_detection",
"type": "Integer",
"values": "{\"unit\":\"m\",\"min\":0,\"max\":1000,\"scale\":2,\"step\":10}"
"code": "far_detection",
"type": "Integer",
"values": "{\"unit\":\"m\",\"min\":150,\"max\":1000,\"scale\":2,\"step\":10}"
"code": "checking_result",
"type": "Enum",
"values": "{\"range\":[\"checking\",\"check_success\",\"check_failure\",\"others\",\"comm_fault\",\"radar_fault\"]}"
"code": "target_dis_closest",
"type": "Integer",
"values": "{\"unit\":\"m\",\"min\":0,\"max\":1000,\"scale\":2,\"step\":1}"
"data_points": [
"code": "presence_state",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 1,
"time": 1737732638488,
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"value": "presence"
"code": "sensitivity",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 2,
"time": 1737732003957,
"type": "value",
"value": 7
"code": "near_detection",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 3,
"time": 1737732004142,
"type": "value",
"value": 60
"code": "far_detection",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 4,
"time": 1737732004244,
"type": "value",
"value": 600
"code": "checking_result",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 6,
"time": 1737732004348,
"type": "enum",
"value": "check_success"
"code": "target_dis_closest",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 9,
"time": 1737732701917,
"type": "value",
"value": 63
"code": "confirm_delay",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 101,
"time": 1737732004548,
"type": "value",
"value": 10
"code": "fading_time",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 102,
"time": 1737732004649,
"type": "value",
"value": 30
"code": "cli",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 103,
"time": 1737732004751,
"type": "string",
"value": ""
"code": "illuminance",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 104,
"time": 1737732638646,
"type": "value",
"value": 1782
"code": "trigger_sensitivity",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 105,
"time": 1737732004046,
"type": "value",
"value": 5
"code": "trigger_distance",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 106,
"time": 1737732004928,
"type": "value",
"value": 60
"code": "relay_mode",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 107,
"time": 1737732005003,
"type": "enum",
"value": "local"
"code": "relay_state",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 108,
"time": 1737732638582,
"type": "enum",
"value": "on"
"code": "running_sta",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 109,
"time": 1737732005150,
"type": "enum",
"value": "off"
"code": "illumin_threshold",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 110,
"time": 1737732005221,
"type": "value",
"value": 0
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"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 111,
"time": 1737732005292,
"type": "enum",
"value": "open"
"code": "block_time",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 112,
"time": 1737732005366,
"type": "value",
"value": 25
"code": "param_result",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 113,
"time": 1737732005436,
"type": "enum",
"value": "none"
"code": "resfacset",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 114,
"time": 1737732002102,
"type": "enum",
"value": "reset_setting"
"code": "sensor_ctrl",
"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 115,
"time": 1737732005511,
"type": "enum",
"value": "no"
Nedis GU10 color spot not supporing “moods” in Homey
Homey version
Which Homey are you using and with which firmware?
Homey Pro 2019 12.3.0
Tuya app version
Which Tuya app version do you have installed on your Homey?
Tuya Smart 6.2.0
App diagnostics report ID
Please generate an app diagnostics report and share it identifier
Tell us what isn’t working for you: please try to be as descriptive as possible.
When installed it does not support light “moods” in Homey.
And shows up as a motion sensor in settings??
Device specification
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"model": "ZBLC10GU10",
"name": "Nedis Gu10 #4",
"node_id": "a4c138d03274b762",
"online": true,
"owner_id": "<redacted>",
"product_id": "bzj8symz",
"product_name": "Smart Light",
"status": [
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"value": "white"
"code": "bright_value_v2",
"value": 1000
"code": "temp_value_v2",
"value": 1000
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"value": "{\"h\":0,\"s\":1000,\"v\":1000}"
"code": "scene_data_v2",
"value": "{\"scene_num\":1,\"scene_units\":[{\"bright\":248,\"h\":0,\"s\":33,\"temperature\":1,\"unit_change_mode\":\"jump\",\"unit_gradient_duration\":0,\"unit_switch_duration\":0,\"v\":32}]}"
"code": "countdown_1",
"value": 0
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"value": ""
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"value": "AAAAAAA="
"code": "sleep_mode",
"value": "AAA="
"code": "wakeup_mode",
"value": "AAA="
"sub": true,
"time_zone": "+01:00",
"uid": "<redacted>",
"update_time": 1737733422,
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"specifications": {
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"values": "{}"
"code": "work_mode",
"type": "Enum",
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"code": "bright_value_v2",
"type": "Integer",
"values": "{\"min\":10,\"max\":1000,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}"
"code": "temp_value_v2",
"type": "Integer",
"values": "{\"min\":0,\"max\":1000,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}"
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"code": "scene_data_v2",
"type": "Json",
"values": "{\"scene_num\":{\"min\":1,\"scale\":0,\"max\":8,\"step\":1},\"scene_units\": {\"unit_change_mode\":{\"range\":[\"static\",\"jump\",\"gradient\"]},\"unit_switch_duration\":{\"min\":0,\"scale\":0,\"max\":100,\"step\":1},\"unit_gradient_duration\":{\"min\":0,\"scale\":0,\"max\":100,\"step\":1},\"bright\":{\"min\":0,\"scale\":0,\"max\":1000,\"step\":1},\"temperature\":{\"min\":0,\"scale\":0,\"max\":1000,\"step\":1},\"h\":{\"min\":0,\"scale\":0,\"unit\":\"\",\"max\":360,\"step\":1},\"s\":{\"min\":0,\"scale\":0,\"unit\":\"\",\"max\":1000,\"step\":1},\"v\":{\"min\":0,\"scale\":0,\"unit\":\"\",\"max\":1000,\"step\":1}}}"
"code": "countdown_1",
"type": "Integer",
"values": "{\"unit\":\"s\",\"min\":0,\"max\":86400,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}"
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"type": "Json",
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"values": "{\"maxlen\":255}"
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"values": "{\"maxlen\":255}"
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"values": "{\"maxlen\":255}"
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"values": "{\"maxlen\":\"255\"}"
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"values": "{\"maxlen\":\"255\"}"
"data_points": [
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"dp_id": 2,
"time": 1737733214477,
"type": "enum",
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"dp_id": 3,
"time": 1737733214477,
"type": "value",
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"dp_id": 4,
"time": 1737733214477,
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"time": 1737733214477,
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"time": 1737733226508,
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"value": "0000000100000021002000f80001"
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"time": 1737733226443,
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"value": 0
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"time": 1737733213690,
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"dp_id": 30,
"time": 1737733227276,
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"value": "AAAAAAA="
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"custom_name": "",
"dp_id": 31,
"time": 1737733227185,
"type": "raw",
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But they are right though, Athom developed the app so any issues with it should be directed to them. Athom knows how to fix the problem, but they don’t want to for reasons they already explained.
Yes, Athom developed the app. But if the issue is API based (however in detail), Tuya has a part in it.
There are no issues in the API. As @robertklep mentioned: the solution is available, Athom just doesn’t want to implement it.