[APP] Slide - Automate your curtains

Are there any plans to change the app to use the local api?

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Not right now. The web API works very well (except for one night this weekend, caused by a human error), I don’t want my Slides to use the local API right now.

But if more people are interested in the local API, I will ask the people behind Slide what the possibilities for the local API are currently.


I would like it if it could function locally.
I use the curtains as a wake-up light too… :slight_smile:

Ik ben ook aan t kijken voor slide maar het de volgende gordijnen

Ik heb in de woonkamer op een rails van ) meter 3 gordijnen
Ze komen niet gelijk uit op t midden
2 zitten er allebei links in de hoek en 1 kort gordijn rechts
De 2 heb ik aan elkaar vast gemaakt middels gordijn haak
Heb ik aan 1 slide voldoende ?/ gaat dat werken ?

Kun je die vraag niet beter bij Slide zelf stellen? Nu krijg je waarschijnlijk allemaal antwoorden die vooral hypothetisch zijn…

Maybe you’d better ask this question to Slide itself. Now you will get probably a lot of only hypothetical and theoretical answers.


Ik dacht wie weet zitten er hier mensen die dat toevallig weten / zelfde probleem hebben

which also means:

If you could please keep the conversation in English as much as possible, then more people will be able to participate. If you would rather not or can’t communicate in English then please check out Non-English boards/catregories:

Not really, I am still in christmas mood and completely chilled.
But in 2021 you better watch out! :smiling_imp:

@Caseda! could you please delete both posts, they are OT. :wink:

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And the online compatability checker does not give enough answers?

(can you translate your post? Will cleanup the others as you can see what a mess it becomes here)

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Slide kan twee gordijnen op een rail open en dicht doen, maar ze moeten dan wel hetzelfde formaat hebben… ikzelf heb een rail van vijf meter, gordijnen, twee maal twee meter vijftig…werkt perfect,

Since the last update 0.4.1 homey cannot open nor close the curtains anymore. the official slide app works fine.
does anyone know how to fix this?

No probleem here, everything just work perfectly also after the update of the app.

Slide is working fine for me. The curtains open and close on request to Google Home. I just experience a curious issue. Whenever the curtains are opened or closed after some time Google responds that Homey cant be reached (its working!). Anyone with the same issue? And maybe a solution?

I think it might be caused by my sloppy coding; Homey doesn’t get a “confirmed”-command from the code, and therefor the action might time out (in Homey, but Google Home as well).
Will look into that soon.

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after re-installing the app it works fine now ! also found out (with Slide Support) that my slides were running an old firmware and do not get updated automaticly.

Does anyone know how the position tag works? I want to know if the curtains are open, closed or somewhere in between. Therefore I am using the ‘changed position’ as if statement and checking with logic the position value. In the open position I have values ranging from 0.04 till 0.94. I would expect it would be less than 0.25.

Close to 1.00 is closed. Close to 0.00 is open.

Mine are considered closed if above 0.85 and open if less than 0.15

If open is above 0.15 at your place, it probably didn’t refresh correctly.

It is a percentage open value, where 1=100%. So 0 = 0% open, thus closed, 1 = 100% open, 0.8 = 80% open (20% closed).

It is indeed wise to use greater/less and some margins, because it is possible that what looks like a nice number is actually 0,99999993778682 or something like that internally.

The reason for these is the slider that Athom re-uses, which is basically the same they use for dimming bulbs. I think the value itself is counter intuitive, but of you look at the bright part of the slider and imagine that is the light peeping through, it is kind of possible to wrap your mind around it.

It is also confusing the UI multiplies the value with 100 to get the actual percentage while the tag is range 0-1.

@Jorden @Edwin_D Thank you for the quick response! It works as I expected. It looks like that the position value is not being (correctly) refreshed during any movement. The curtains are now fully open and the value is 0.98. I have checked the values after moving the curtains by using the Homey as well the Slide app. The values ​​do not correspond to the position of the curtains. Is it somehow possible to force an update of the value or is there some delay when the value is being updated?

That is normal. After calibration (100%) it will drop down a bit, due to tension or something. Just use the suggested methods by Jorden.